Training for Unemployed Young Women in the Kardjali Region12Нi Tech Business Incubator AssociationIncubator without walls. Enhancing youth employability through stimulation and encouragement of business initiatives among young people of age up to 29 years.10Regional development agency and business center 2000 - MontanaNew possibilities for young entrepreneurs12Rashev & partners LtdConsultancy Centre for encouraging entrepreneurship12Regional SME Business Support Centre - PernikRaising the entrepreneurial activeness and the adaptness of the unemployled young people from Pernik region10Center for Suatainable Development of the Mountain (CSDM) - SmolianEnterpreneurship and management of the forest exploitation - youth self-employment alternatives12Foundation BOLEXBusiness academy of success12Second Bulgaria FoundationInnovation practices and employment of unemployed youths with economic and law education12SEMBA PLCProviding work in Bulgaria for young professionals8Association "Varna Free University"Possibilities for permanent employment for unemployed specialists with higher education in the sphere of industry and machinery construction10MIR-JSCo.Clearing the Path to Employment for Youths12Heltnet FinanceInsurance consultants10Avangard Personal ConsultingTo keep the young people home - coordination of young specialists recruitment7Sole Entreprenuer "Rikoshet-Slavi Slavov"A successful job start for young specialists12EURO-ALLIANCE LtdInitiatives for job placement in Bulgaria. A chance for Bulgarian youths10Cheh-Plast LtdJob placement in Bulgaria - a good start for realization of young specialists6MODUL ADAttracting young specialist in Modul AD, Byala6YANTAR 21 - Stoian VasilevChance for the young specialists5CB Unionbank IncEuropean standards in the bank services5Capricorn Trade LtdSpecialization in Germany, job place in Bulgaria - chance for young specialists8Employers Association of BulgariaFrom school knowledge to business experience - career development for youths12Pro Euro Consult LtdJob placement activities abroad (Creation of two work places and increasing the qualification of graduate youths through conducting probation work in the company "Pro Euro Consult" and abroad)6Sof Dealing LtdCreation of jobs in financial servicies in Bulgaria and jobplacement of currently employment specialists in Romania7