分享一个6月17号跨国采购上的询盘,客户是求购带报警喇叭,且可以连接电脑的警灯Dear Sir, we're looking for a new supplier for Beacon and siren to be used in the express way in Thailand. pls. send me quotation and specification to my mail at info@xentinelco.com, we're looking for a yellow light siren, spin-able when alarm, adjustable tone and volume. It also, should have interface to control by computer such as RS 232, or RS 485. Thanks, paulContact Name: Mr Polahtorn TrakulboonCompany: Xentinel Co., Ltd. Business Email: polathorn@gmail.com,info@xentinelco.com 我们做不了,客户急用,要我们帮忙找一找,分享给朋友们吧。