WAVECAPEThe WAVECAPE is an item in sport related promotion. Its unique design make is an affordable and effective product for promoting your brand and supporting your team during any kind of game played in any stadium. With the WAVECAPE thousands of sport fans can support their favourite team at the same time by lifting up the cape when ‘the wave’ passes. This creates an effect that you’ll never forget! Foam Cheering sticks FAN SPEAKEROriginal, fun, mutible functions; the FANSPEAKER will enable you to create a powerful and impactful link between your brand/event and its supporters. The fanspeaker can be used as a banner, a megaphone and a hand fan. Inflatable MegaphoneThe fun of a rigid plastic megaphone with the convenience of soft PEthat is easy to carry along with you when deflated. With our safe touse Inflatable Megaphone, you never have to worry about someone throwing a rigid megaphone and causing injury. Clap-BannerClap-Banner is made from specially treated cardboard with pleatedfolds which can be printed on both sides in full colour with companytexts and logos. When folded, Clap-Banner? makes a loud clapping noise when folded together and tapped on your hand.Clap-Banner? is ideal for sporting events, and has been well-receivedin events including Premier Football League, Cricket, Rugby and IceHockey sporting events. Hold one end of the Clap-Banner? with onehand, making it fan-shaped, then tap the other end against the otherpalm and create an amazing clapping noise - the best kind ofencouragement for the fans as well as the team - it creates atmosphere as well as excitement!Foam Lightening boltQQ:441007876MSN:silina.lei.2010@hotmail.com wave cape.jpg (114.51 KB) 2011-5-15 13:48 WAVECAPE cheering sticks.png (91.94 KB) 2011-5-15 13:48 Foam Cheering sticks speaker.png (121.08 KB) 2011-5-15 13:48 FAN SPEAKER megphone.png (95.55 KB) 2011-5-15 13:48 Inflatable Megaphone clap-banner.png (153.68 KB) 2011-5-15 13:48 Clap-Banner foam lightening bolt.png (81.42 KB) 2011-5-15 13:48 Foam Lightening bolt