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06-07 05:45:17  来源:  作者:

efficiencies shall be provided for static and dynamic measurements. If the system has identification capabilities, the instrument library and energy range of measurement shall be provided. ?Angular response of the system shall be provided. 2.0 PURPOSE OF THIS RFI Through this RFI, DHS DNDO SE&E is seeking technical information responses to determine the capability of the market to provide innovative technologies that may meet PaxBag goals. 3.0 QUESTIONS 3.1 Ability to Meet PaxBag Goals ?Describe your capability to deliver innovative detection/identification technologies that provide users with accurate, reliable and durable rad/nuc detection and identification systems that would increase the probability to detect, identify, and categorize illicit radiological/nuclear materials entering the United States via international passengers and/or baggage pathways. ?Describe your capability to demonstrate your technology?s potential of meeting PaxBag goals. ?Describe the stage of development or maturity of the technology identified in the response to this RFI. Note: Technology maturity is a measure of the degree to which proposed critical technologies meet program objectives and is a principal element of program risk. A technology readiness assessment examines program concepts, technology requirements, and demonstrated technology capabilities in order to determine technological maturity. The minimum TRL level that will be considered is TRL 6. Assessment of your technology is to be determined based on the guidance provided in Chapter 10 of the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (for guidance see Table 1) and the following sites http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/product_realization_chart.pdf and http://www.dhs.gov/xres/programs/gc_1211996727996.shtm If possible, provide a copy of a test report associated with the detection and identification systems identified in responding to this document. The test report can be an independent test report or a manufacturer?s test report. Executing a Bailment Agreement with DHS. ?Shipping their system(s) to NSTec in accordance with the Participation Conditions that will be provided. ?Coordinating with NSTec for manufacturer-conducted training on their system (s). This training shall be of the ?train the trainer? type. NSTec technicians will be trained and will subsequently train actual state and local operators to use the systems. To obtain a copy of the Bailment Agreement, detailed shipping and logistics instructions, the selected manufacturers must contact by e-mail the DHS/DNDO Contract Office and POC listed on the attachment with this RFI. Subject to classification guidelines, manufacturers will be individually informed as to how well their solution performed. Test results and user feedback will be provided. Summary of the test protocols and the raw data recorded by the system will be also provided to the manufacturer within two months of the completion of the demonstration campaign. All questions and responses should be sent to the Contract Specialist, tracy.c.miller@dhs.gov Miller via email at . Responses are1 AGRIVET Tel:+ 261 20 22 583 74 GSM : :+ 261 32 40 363 47 Email: agrivet@smtp.com.mg fax : +261 20 22 583 75 兽医、植物检疫和工业化工产品 寻找下列产品供应商: 1. 农业方面:杀虫剂、肥料、农机具 2. 工业化工:在农业食品业、渔业和奶业中使用的卫生产品;葡萄酒、肉制品和饼干生产中使用的化学食品添加剂;用于生产护肤美容品的产品和原料;水处理化工产品(工业废水、游泳池水、井水)。 2 FLORENCE FLEUR Tel:+ 261 20 22 650 69 GSM : :+ 261 32 07 788 73 Email: Florence@simicro.mg Fax: 261-20- 22 212 03 花艺 寻找礼品、人造花、烛台供应商 3 FLORIBIS Tel:+ 261 20 22 580 99 GSM : :+ 261 32 07 036 94 Email: relation@floribis-mg.com 调味品出口商,专营香草 寻求香草荚果及其副产品的进口商 4 MABYLO Tel:+ 261 20 24 226 75 GSM : :+ 261 33 11 566 26 + 261 34 11 566 26 Email: mabylo@blueline.mg fax : +261 20 22 545 07 信息设备供应商 寻求信息设备及其耗材、手机和配件生产商和供应商; 寻求木材切割机和预制品的生产设备 5 MAGASIN D’ELECTRICITE Tel: +261 20 22 252 47 GSM :+ 261 32 07 780 40 Email: magasindelec@iris.mg Fax :22 628 24 印刷、礼品 寻求多功能数码印刷机(KONICA, MINOLTA)、REF/ BUSINESS HUB PRO 500 ou BUZHUB PRO 6500è KM、耗材和零配件;后工序设备、切纸机、脱膜机和上胶机; 塑封、螺线、可刻录CD盘、高档板纸; 企业礼品:广告笔、名片盒、信用卡夹、支票夹、钥匙链、T-Shirt布、2008年日记本 7 SEEM Tel:+ 261 20 22544 23 GSM : :+ 261 33 11 250 38Email: seem@wanadoo.mg fax : 261 20 22 568 17 Société de sécurité 保安用品公司 供应商:发电机组、整流器、换流器、交流机、鼓风机、报警器、监控录像、电话机、避雷针、避雷器、空调机 8 SERVICE MAD Tel: + 261 20 22 218 03 GSM :+ 261 33 11 218 03 Email: smad@wanadoo.mg Fax : +261 20 22 354 50 Web site: www.servicemad.com Exportateur de vannerie 编织品出口商 供应商:皮、仿皮、布、线等 采购商:编织品、篮筐、包等 代理人:零售店,进口商,批发商,酒店、公园等游客纪念品商店 制造商:线纱、用于制作筐把手的闪光布 9 SMARTY Tel:+ 261 2022 373 56 fax : 261 20 22 337 99 GSM : :+ 261 32 11 04846 Email: smart_y@blueline.mg Construction et commerce 贸易商和建筑商 供应商 :建筑用小型机器、工具、镶竹地板用的木制工具等、 合作商:在马达加斯加进行食品加工 10 SOFINCO Vanilles, produits dérivés, épices 香草及相关产品、香料 采购商:药品、精华油批发商 制造商:香料厂 代理商:产品分销商(SPA、香料店、酒店、纪念品商店、饭店) 11 Tenema Tel:+ 261 20 22 029 37 GSM : :+ 261 32 07 715 64 Email: tenema@blueline.mg fax : 261 20 22 568 17 Web site: www.tenesol.fr Energie solaire 太阳能 供应商:太阳能热水器:整体的和中央控制的光电设备 太阳能电池 12 TRANOMBAROTRA MOISE Tel:+ 261 20 22 645 97 GSM :+ 261 33 12 615 68 Email: moise-n.or@wanadoo.mg fax : 261 20 22 294 58 地面装饰五金制品 仿皮、地面装饰(地毯) 13 TRIMETA Tel: + 261 20 22 461 02 GSM :+ 261 32 07 118 08 Email: gnf@trimeta.mg Fax :+261 20 22 287 31 Web site: www.trimetagroup.com Export vanille, girofle, épices 香草、丁香、香料出口 采购商和进口商 : 香料(丁香、红浆果、胡椒等)、香草, 提炼油:丁香、生姜、桂皮 食品香料工业 供应商或合作商: 香料提取器、香草提取器 包装:真空袋、纸箱、蜡纸 14 UNIMA Tel:+ 261 20 22 478 80 GSM : :+ 261 32 07 231 97 Email: manasse.rakotoson@unima.mg fax : 261-20-2247888 Web site: www.unima.com Exportation de crevettes 对虾出口 寻求对虾进口; 寻求养殖所需耗材以及捕虾设备、养殖饲料的供应商 15 VITECH Tel:+ 261 20 22 649 73 GSM : :+ 261 33 11 05555 Email: vitech@wanadoo.mg fax : 261 20 22 667 82 équipement électronique 电子设备 寻求供应商: 建筑用机械 塑料制品加工机器 16 CAMINVEST CAMAGRI Tel:+ 261 20 22 646 74 GSM : :+ 261 32 07 182 00 Email: caminvest@wanadoo.mg fax : 261 20 22 275 68 Exportateurs de fruits et légumes 蔬菜和水果出口 寻求制造业供应商: 温室设备 农产品(蔬菜和水果)包装、加工、分类、清洗设备和器材 可再生能源设备(风力和太阳能) 17 SOCOMA Tel:+ 261 22 229 07 GSM :+ 261 032 02 464 70 +261 033 11 957 41 Email: honore-mahasoa@wanadoo.mg Fax : + 261 22 398 35 marchandises générales (huile alimentaire, farine …) 普通商品(食用油、面粉等) 寻求供应商: 体育用品:运动衫、球、跑鞋、(纸制)餐巾 自行车 蜡烛 Kibota(农用物资) 18 SDV LOGISTICS Tel:0149191630………........... GSM :0632113833…………. Email:a.brouquetdv.com…. Fax :0149191169……………. Web site:…www.sdv.com…………………………………… Transitaire

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