(体育及旅游休闲用品) THE SPORTS AUTHORITY United States (美国) THE SPORTS AUTHORITY is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from United States and need to buy products of Leisure Products etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自美国,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 体育及旅游休闲用品 720-475-2827 720-475-2827 1050 W. HAMPDEN AVENUE EGNLEWOOD,CO 80110,U.S.A. N.A. angela_lin@ivy-house.com.tw www.thesportsauthority.comLeisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) Trimtex Sport A/S Norway (挪威) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 运动服,休闲装,男女通用的服装,手提式电灯,手提式电灯附件,指南针 TOR EIVINV AUGLAND 0047 37 26 91 00 0047 37 26 91 01 Sekkebekksletta 8, NO 4791, Lillesand N.A. trimtex@trimtex.no www.trimtex.noLeisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) TRI STAR IMPORT United States (美国) TRI STAR IMPORT is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from United States and need to buy products of Leisure Products etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自美国,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 体育及旅游休闲用品 213-687-8083 213-687-8220 330 E. 4TH STREET, U.S.A. N.A. fasih@tristarimport.com www.tristarimport.comLeisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) Trexet Finland Oy Ab Finland (芬兰) Trexet Finland Oy Ab is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Finland and need to buy products of Leisure Products, Clothing etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自芬兰,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品、服装等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 男子成衣,儿童成衣,运动服,休闲装,男女通用的服装 MR.KAI IGNNATIUS 00358 9 5 25 95 80 00358 9 5259 5857 Vitikka 4, FI 02630, Espoo N.A. N.A. N.A.Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) Trend House Gruppen A/S Denmark (丹麦) Trend House Gruppen A/S is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Denmark and need to buy products of Leisure Products, Clothing etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自丹麦,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品、服装等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 男子成衣,儿童成衣,泳装,海滩装,针织外衣,运动服,休闲装,男女通用的服装,雨衣,晨衣,女内衣裤,紧身衣,睡衣,衬衫,男式内衣裤,男式睡衣,编织内衣裤,袜,领带,领结,围巾,披肩 MR.JUNCKAR 0045 35 55 20 44 0045 35 55 20 06 oster Alle 48, DK 2100, Koebenhavn o N.A. RK@TRENDHOUSE-GRUPPEN.COM N.A.Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) Trend House A/S Denmark (丹麦) Trend House A/S is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Denmark and need to buy products of Leisure Products, Clothing etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自丹麦,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品、服装等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 男子成衣,儿童成衣,泳装,海滩装,针织外衣,运动服,休闲装,男女通用的服装,雨衣,晨衣,女内衣裤,紧身衣,睡衣,衬衫,男式内衣裤,男式睡衣,编织内衣裤,袜,领带,领结,围巾,披肩 RIKKE KIEL 0045 35 55 23 44 0045 35 55 20 05 oster Alle 48, DK 2100, Koebenhavn o N.A. N.A. N.A.Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) TECK UP SARL France (法国) TECK UP SARL is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from France and need to buy products of Leisure Products etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自法国,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 可当床用的座椅(不包括花园休闲椅和宿营用椅) M BITTON 0033 164309941 0033 160072095 13 RUE LAVOISIER, ZI, 77400, LAGNY SUR MARNE N.A. ROYALAROW@WANADOO.FR N.A.Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) Teamwork Textiles A/S /Bla-Bla Norway (挪威) Teamwork Textiles A/S /Bla-Bla is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Norway and need to buy products of Leisure Products, Clothing etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自挪威,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品、服装等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 妇女成衣,成衣少女,泳装,海滩装,针织外衣,运动服,休闲装,男女通用的服装,皮衣,罩衫,衬衫,编织内衣裤,袜 0047 22 88 67 77 0047 22 88 67 70 Grenseveien 82, NO 0604, Oslo N.A. admin@bla-bla.no N.A.Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) TBS GROUP CORPORATION Taiwan (台湾省) TBS GROUP CORPORATION is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Taiwan and need to buy products of Leisure Products etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自台湾省,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 体育用品, 休闲用品 DEREK YAP 00886 2 26981000 00886 2 26981717/26981818 7F-3,NO.79,SEC.1,HSIN-TAI-WU ROAD,HSI-CHIH,TAIPEI(FAR EAST WORLD CENTER BLDG.C) N.A. INFO@TBSGROUP.COM.TW,TIM@TBSGROUP.COM.TW,TBSCHN@DG.163MAIL.NET WWW.TBSGROUP.COM.TWLeisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) TAILGREAT LLC United States (美国) TAILGREAT LLC is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from United States and need to buy products of Leisure Products, Clothing, Medical etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自美国,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品、服装、医药保健品及医疗器械等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 服装与服饰, 体育休闲旅游运动用品 EDSTEINER 001 7654296409 001 7654295795 2780 CONSERVATION CLUB RD,LAFAYETTE,IN 47905U.S.A. N.A. thicks@steineronline.com N.A.Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) T.N.T.INC United States (美国) T.N.T.INC is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from United States and need to buy products of Leisure Products, Shoe, Clothing, Holiday Products, Gifts, Watch Glasses etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自美国,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品、鞋类、服装、节日用品、礼品及赠品、钟表眼镜等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 服装与服饰, 纺织品及原料面料, 农林土畜, 裘革皮及制品, 鞋帽, 礼品工艺品, 钟表眼镜, 体育休闲旅游运动用品 ESTHER 001 2693889111 001 2693889333 3516 E.MAIN.KALAMAZOO.MI.49048,U.S.A. N.A. dtothek63@hotmail.com N.A.Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) T.J.P.D. NOMINEES PTY LTD - T/A LIZ DAVENPORT TRADING COMPANY Australia (澳大利亚) T.J.P.D. NOMINEES PTY LTD - T/A LIZ DAVENPORT TRADING COMPANY is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Australia and need to buy products of Leisure Products etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自澳大利亚,需要购买的产品类别包括:体育及旅游休闲用品等。) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 女装, 女服, 套装, 休闲服 TJ DAVENPORT 0061 8 9386 5399 0061 8 9386 6036 109 Stirling Hwy Nedlands WA 6009 N.A. INFO@LIEDAVENPORT.COM.AU N.A.Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) Solem A/S Norway (挪威) Leisure Products (体育及旅游休闲用品) 男子成衣,儿童成衣,运动服,休闲装,男女通用的服装,职业工作服,制服,防护工作服 MR.FOLEM 0047 64 92 74 00 0047 64 92 73 95 Bruseveien 3, Rud, Industriomraede, NO 1911, Flateby N.A. solem@hotmail.com WWW.SOLEMAS.NO