以下内容需要回复才能看到智利客户欲向中国出售铜、钼、锌、铝等有色金属,企业资料如下: 企业名称: SML C uno 税号: 78.665.690-7 法人: Aquiles Piña Iglesias 手机:005699-998 1993 电话、传真: (56 2 ) 8530055 地址: RAMON SUBERCASEAUX NRO. 503, PIRQUE-REGION METROPOLITANA E-MAIL: : greentailings@terra.com (信息由企业提供并负责其真实性)Turkey law has passed that everybody can produce their own electric power with solar energy,therefore it is very new concept and raised interest from all over Turkey, even though they are advanced in solar hot water systems there are no manufacturing companies for solar power. And one of the large company in Turkey wants to start solar power systems and would like to start doing business with Chinese manufacturing company. Their intention to buy the systems from this company for all the projects and in future if necessary manufacture some of the parts in Turkey as joint venture. So they are looking for a company who can give them technology backing and able to finish large projects. My role in this I will be in charge of this project now and in future and to choose the right company to sign the agreement with the Turkish company. I also need to visit the company in question and see the facilities first hand. Haluk Bilek My details: bilex@mail.com Tel: 61- 8 93053616 61- 402078609乌兹别克斯坦《ISKANDAR FOODS》公司寻求中国贸易伙伴合作生产生活、日用的小型天然气燃具(如灶具、取暖装置等)。有兴趣者请直接与该公司联系。 公司名称:ISKANDAR FOODS 公司 经理:MUZAFFA HALIMOV 信箱: H1978MM@yandex.ru 预祝合作成功!尼商名称:Ramwal House Support Ltd Engr. Bashir Garba 求 购:推土机 电 话:234-7035960506 邮 箱:bashirgarba4622@yahoo.co.uk 尼商名称:Ramwal House Support Ltd Engr. Bashir Garba 求 购:平土机 电 话:234-7035960506 邮 箱:bashirgarba4622@yahoo.co.uk 尼商名称:Desired Target Int. Co. Ltd Bar Iyare Natama 求 购:灯具 电 话:234-8033224919 邮 箱:iyare_natama_co@yahoo.com 尼商名称:Desired Target Int. Co. Ltd Bar Iyare Natama 求 购:大理石瓷砖 电 话:234-8033224919 邮 箱:iyare_natama_co@yahoo.com