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06-07 09:27:21  来源:  作者:

Website: www.mtalexhosp.vic.gov.auN. Stenning & Co. Pty Ltd Contact: Mrs Vicki Parker Phone: 02 8594 9100 Email: vparker@nstenning.com.au Website: www.nstenning.com.au Northeast Health Wangaratta Contact: Mrs Mary Rinaudo Phone: 03 5722 0111 Email: mary.rinaudo@nhw.hume.org.au Contact: Mrs Jan Garvey MRCNA Phone: 03 5722 0111 Email: janice.garvey@nhw.hume.org.au Contact: Ms Kathy Thompson Phone: 03 5722 0225 Email: kathy.thompson@nhw.hume.org.au Contact: Ms Debra Hobijn Phone: 03 5722 0139 Email: debra.hobijn@nhw.hume.org.au Website: www.wanghealth.org.auNorthern Division of General PracticeContact: Ms Annette KnopfPhone: 03 8480 4607Email: annette.knopf@ndgp.org.au Otway Division of General Practice Contact: Ms Julieanne Crow Phone: 03 5593 2684 Email: jcrow@otway.asn.au Website: www.otway.asn.auPathways Health & Education LtdContact: Mrs Ruth Greene MRCNAPhone: 02 6020 8484Email: ruth@phec.com.au Website: www.phec.com.au Peninsula GP NetworkContact: Ms Naomi WinterPhone: 03 9708 8019Email: n.winter@pgpn.org.au Website: www.pgpn.org.au Peninsula Health Continuing Education and Development UnitContact: Mr Jaime CoelloPhone: 03 9784 7782Email: jcoello@phcn.vic.gov.auContact: Ms Sarah WebbPhone:03 9784 7782Email: swebb@phcn.vic.gov.auWebsite: www.peninsulahealth.org.au Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Contact: Ms Denise Spencer Phone: 03 9537 1850 Email: dspencer@petermac.unimelb.edu.au Contact: Miss Tracey Taylor Phone: 03 9656 1001 Email: Tracey.Taylor@petermac.org Website: www.petermac.orgQueen Elizabeth CentreContact: Ms Aileen KeanePhone: 03 9549 2702Email: ailkea@qec.org.au Website: www.qec.org.auOrganisation profile: Click hereRamsay Health CareContact: Ms Liz Spaull MRCNAPhone: 03 9916 2000Email: spaulll@ramsayhealth.com.au Website: www.ramsayhealth.com.au Organisation profile: Click hereRegional Information and Advocacy Council Inc Contact: Ms Sarah InghamPhone: 03 5822 1944 Email: po@riac.org.au Contact: Ms Liz KerrinsPhone: 03 5822 1944Email: po@riac.org.au Website: www.riac.org.auRiverland Division of General PracticeContact: Ms Cale EdwardsPhone: 08 8582 3823Email: cedwards@riverlandgp.org.au Website: www.riverlandgp.org.au Organisation profile: Click hereRobinvale District Health Services Contact: Mrs Leanne Adcock Phone: 03 5051 8111Email: ladcock@rdhs.com.au Website: www.rdhs.com.auRoyal Australian College of General PractitionersContact: Ms Natasha LiskPhone: 03 8699 0564Email: natasha.lisk@racgp.org.au Website: www.racgp.org.au Royal District Nursing Service - Head Office Contact: Miss Sally Coleman MRCNA Phone: 03 9536 5222 Email: scoleman@aanet.com.au Website: www.rdns.com.auRural Ambulance Victoria Contact: Mrs Jenny Geer MRCNA Phone: 03 5762 3772 Email: jenny.geer@rav.vic.gov.au Contact: Mr Paul Jennings Phone: 03 5338 5308 Email: paul.jennings@rav.vic.gov.au Website: www.rav.vic.gov.auSCA Hygiene Australasia Contact: Ms Maggi Gilding Phone: 0419 844 047Email: maggi.gilding@sca.comContact: Ms Breda O'HaraPhone: 1800 623 347Email: breda.ohara@sca.com Contact: Ms Melissa BollmanPhone: 02 9877 2600Email: melissa.bollman@sca.com Website: www.tena.com.auOrganisation profile: Click hereSmith & NephewContact: Ms Jacinta BarlowPhone: 03 8540 6500Email: jacinta.barlow@smith-nephew.com Website: www.smith-nephew.com.au/healthcare South West Healthcare Contact: Mrs Jenice Smart MRCNA Phone: 03 5563 1633 Email: jsmart@swh.net.auSouthcity GP Services Contact: Ms Magali De CastroPhone: 03 9076 3256Email: magali@southcitygpservices.com.au Website: www.southcitygpservices.com.au Southern Gippsland Division of General Practice Contact: Ms Jo Hillbrick Phone: 03 5674 3105 Email: j.hillbrick@gpasouthgippsland.com.au Southern Health - Corporate Office Contact: Ms Katie DurdinPhone: 03 9594 2876Email: katie.durdin@southernhealth.org.au Contact: Ms Linda PiperPhone: 03 9594 2808Email: linda.piper@southernhealth.org.au Website: www.southernhealth.org.auSt Jude MedicalContact: Ms Melinda BakerPhone: 03 9644 5900Email: mlbaker@sjm.com Contact: Ms Martina CheahPhone: 03 9644 5900Email: mcheah@sjm.com Contact: Ms Michelle TirmanPhone: 03 9644 5900Email: mtirman@sjm.com Website: www.sjm.com St Vincent'sContact: Ms Deanne RiddingtonPhone: 03 9288 4747Email: deanne.riddington@svhm.org.au Website: www.svhm.org.au Stanika's Solutions Pty Ltd Contact: Mrs Stanika Djurdevic-Rjazancew MRCNA Phone: 0448 909 805Email: stanika.solutions@bigpond.com St John of God - Pinelodge ClinicContact: Ms Nicola KatherinePhone: 03 8793 9444Sunraysia Community Health ServicesContact: Ms Bertilla CampbellPhone: 03 5025 9001Email: bcampbell@schs.com.au Website: www.schs.com.au The Benchmarque Group Pty Ltd Contact: Mr Bruce Greaves Phone: 03 9530 9826 Email: bruce@benchmarquegroup.com.au Website: www.benchmarquegroup.com.auThe Queen Elizabeth Centre Contact: Ms Sue Couper Phone: 03 9549 2702 Email: suecou@qec.org.au Website: www.qec.org.auVictorian Department of Health (Aged Care Branch)Contact: Ms Catherine LavarsPhone: 03 9096 7730Email: catherine.lavars@health.vic.gov.au Website: www.health.vic.gov.au/agedcare Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation Contact: Ms Ann Dancer Phone: 03 9415 1177 Email: adancer@vmpf.org.au Contact: Ms Louise AveryPhone: 03 9415 1177Email: lavery@vmpf.org.au Website: www.vmpf.org.auVictorian Urological Nurses Society (VUNS) Contact: Ms Shannon Pfundt Phone: 03 5331 6377am Vision 2020 Australia Contact: Ms Robyn Wallace Phone: 02 9656 2026 Email: rwallace@vision2020australia.org.au Website: www.vision2020australia.org.auWest Wimmera Health Service Contact: Mrs Ann Merrett Phone: 03 5391 4240 Email: amerrett@wwhs.net.au Website: www.wwhs.net.auWestern Health Victoria Contact: Ms Vicki McGowan Phone: 03 8345 6720 Email: vicki.mcgowan2@wh.org.au Organisation profile: Click hereWest Vic Division of General PracticeContact: Ms Melanie TippetPhone: 03 5381 1756Email: m.tippet@westvicdiv.asn.au Website: www.westvicdiv.asn.au Organisation profile: Click hereWMA Solutions Pty Ltd Contact: Mrs Wendy Adams MRCNA Phone: 03 9646 0271 Email: wendy@wmasolutions.com.au Wodonga Regional Health Service Contact: Ms Kayleen FilliponiPhone: 02 6051 7239Email: kayleen.filliponi@wrhs.org.au Website: www.wrhs.org.auYarrawonga District Health ServiceContact: Ms Ruth CliftonPhone: 03 5743 8196Email: ruth.clifton@ydhs.hume.org.au AnitechSydney - Head Office25 South StRydalmere NSW 2116AustraliaACN: 094 263 537 ABN: 89 094 263 537 Phone: (02) 8845 0200 Fax: (02) 8845 0300 Email: info@anitech.com.au BrisbaneColmslie Corporate ParkUnit 2, 160 Lytton RoadBulimba QLD 4171 ACN: 094 263 537 ABN: 89 094 263 537 Phone: (07) 3899 8377 Fax: (07) 3899 8155 Email: brisbane@anitech.com.au Newcastle51 Broadmeadow RoadBroadmeadow NSW 2292ACN: 094 263 537 ABN: 89 094 263 537 Phone: (02) 4961 1777 Fax: (02) 4961 5107 Email: newcastle@anitech.com.au Canberra Office & BureauUnits 18 & 19, 151-155 Gladstone Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609 ACN: 094 263 537 ABN: 89 094 263 537 Phone: (02) 6239 2122 Fax: (02) 6239 2984 Email: canberra@anitech.com.au Adelaide126 Richmond RoadMarleston SA 5033 ACN: 094 263 537 ABN: 89 094 263 537 Phone: (08) 8234 9577 Fax: (08) 8234 9277 Email: adelaide@anitech.com.au PerthUnit 4, 100 Belmont AveRivervale W.A. 6103 ACN: 094 263 537 ABN: 89 094 263 537 Phone: (08) 9333 1666 Fax: (08) 9478 4044 Email: perth@anitech.com.au MelbourneUnits 4 & 5 37-39 Little Boundary Road, Laverton North Vic 3026 ACN: 094 263 537 ABN: 89 094 263 537 Phone: (03) 9314 1711 Fax: (03) 9314 8868 Email: melbourne@anitech.com.au TownsvilleUnit 3, 74 Leyland StreetGarbutt QLD 4814 ACN: 094 263 537 ABN: 89 094 263 537 Phone: (07) 4753 8000 Fax: (07) 4753 8055 Email: townsville@anitech.com.au MOD StyleJosh Daveym. 0407 963 906e. josh.davey@bsl.org.auLisa Stewartm. 0409 044 033e. LStewart@bsl.org.auPeter Bienvenum. 0418 102 878e. pbienvenu@bsl.org.auRichard Slaterm. 0416 207 206 e. rslater@bsl.org.auLinda Kwanm. 0419 516 362e. lkwan@bsl.org.auLucy Della Portam. 0418 507 756e. lucy@ruby8agencies.comLinda Kwanm. 0419 516 362e. lkwan@bsl.org.auPeter Templetonm. 0418 777 850e. ptempleton@bsl.org.auTINCOHead Office and Showroom20 Endeavour Way, Braeside, 3195 PO Box 791, Braeside, 3195VIC 3195Phone: 61

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