2427 Whimsy Gifts Mr. Wtrade Staff 61-03-94862132 61-03-94862143 imagine@hbci.com Electronics, Promotion Gifts 2498 Flaschengeist Australia Pty. Ltd. Flaschengeist Australia Pty. Ltd. Mr. milton karan 61-8-81650277 61-8-81650244 Gifts, Liquor, Corporate Gifts 2499 Duudadz Mr. Ten Cher 61-8-82972304 61-8-82972304 Gifts, Promotional Products, Customised Products 2500 Macdonalds Handcrafted Gifts Mr. Robert Macdonald 61-8-95278413 61-8-95923197 2501 Gifts 2 The Door Mr. Tim Mack 61-8-95928662 jewellery accessory 2502 Tucats Gifts Ms. Carolyn Day 61-8-9646147 61-8-96461474 Gifts, Decor, Jewellery 2503 Noveltyshoponline Mr. Gerri Cooper 61-927-69606 Novelty products, Gifts, Cute toys, Childrens items, Novelty items 2504 Gift and Decoration House Ms. Linda Saitov 61-9371-5518 christmasdecorationlawn@yahoo.com ###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################2505 Sintong Store Sintong 62 - 0812 - 65087476 2506 Sudagar Trust Rady Rahadyan 62 - 21 - 7820933 2507 Andrianie, CV Edy Suryanto 62 - 274 - 515278 62274-589864 2508 Cakrasilver Faried Amalia 62 - 331 - 757103 62331-757103 2509 Solinia Lina Purwanti 62 - 361 - 703307 62361-703307 office@deltagroup.ro 2510 PanAsiaBali Ari Setiadi 62 - 361 - 758557 62361-758428 2511 Green Bali Jewelry Rosida 62 - 361 - 764655 62361-764655 exporter@manufacturerjewelry.com 2512 Track ters 62 - 361 - 997999 62361-997999 2513 CV. Mogana Star Dana Richo 62 - 61 - 72368091 62061-77746747 2514 Multi Persada Co,Ltd. Pramaono Wijanarko 62 - 61332 - 889321 6261332-889400 richard.ng@singapore.com 2515 De Kadoo Hariyanto 62 - 81 - 553110123 dtp.regionaal@brugmedia.nl 2516 Star Inter Buana , Ltd Andarias Munthe 62 - 812281 - 24580 wayne.lu@pacificstar-dl.com 2517 Bali Fashion Legends Darnik 62 - 81236 - 17396 6281236-17396 riz@kinglychee.com 2518 Pt.Sumber Suryo Eko Priyo 62 - 85 - 730513224 6231-5996722 2519 Chiquin Collections Anna Apriyani Wibowo 62 - 857 - 43209222 2520 SandS | Bali Mr. Raphael J Soeroyo 62 -361-9164964 62-361-756680 furnitures, home wares, table wares, gifts, clothings, accessories, metal works 2521 jasa samudera Mr. Susanto Erik 62-021-30031163 62-021-30031163 fera_run@yahoo.com Toys, stationery, craft, gift 2522 ShangMiao Gift Co.,ltd Mr. Gertia MM 62-021-66081318 62-021-66080182 arming, badge, bedge, emblem, ensign, insignia, regalia, medal, pin, Flag pin, tray, bottle opener, corkscrew, dinnerware, opener, Plate Award, ket chain, key holder, mould 2523 Vision Trading Mr. Aditya Rahadhyan 62-021-88980983 62-021-88980983 silkinet@emirates.net Snack, gift 2524 KENCANA HANDYCRAFT & GIFT Mr. Panji Kurniawan 62-022-4262235 62-022-4214084 Handycrafts and Gifts 2525 eagle advertising Ms. nanik wijayanti 62-024-6709794 62-024-6709794 lhygr@sohu.com Gifts, Crafts, Handmade 2526 famous gift shop Ms. deasy wulandari 62-024-70266656 ponypiaoen@hotmail.com Wallet, Bags 2527 chapy gift shop Mr. thomas dharmawanto 62-0274-563877 62-0274-563877 gift box, fancy, boneka, accecories, 2528 MARSHA flower gift Mr. EDY SUSANTO HARDJO PRANOTO 62-031-7450702 62-031-7419824 2529 Gift One Group Mr. Henry Sung 62-21-2526112 62-21-2526113 office@FCBC-SF.org Promotional items, crafts agents, pen, pencil 2530 Great Gift Arico Indonesia. PT Great Gift Arico Indonesia. PT Mr. Ari Widjaja 62-21-4259428 62-21-42873638 Stationery, Plush, Licensing, Toys 2531 Allure Ms. Ervina Tenggara 62-21-5308444 62-21-5323009 Gifts, Crafts, Furniture 2532 Solusindo Lijaya Pratama Mr. Djaya Putranto 62-21-5333494 62-21-5309686 Gifts, children garment 2533 Sapulidi Advertising & Gift Promotion Mr. Rudolf Widjajahakim 62-21-5634182 62-21-56963567 Design, Gift, Advertising 2534 Dee Art Handicrafts and Gift House Dee Art Handicrafts and Gift House Ms. Dee Art Handicraft 62-21-5848515 62-21-5848742 Crafts gifts, promotion gifts 2535 PT. Novus Prodamax Solutions Mr. angeline gho 62-21-6317062 62-21-63854643 Gifts, company profile, flash design 2536 PT. INDOASIA SUKSES MANDIRIJAYA PT. INDOASIA SUKSES MANDIRIJAYA Ms. LIE RUSNY 62-21-66604611 62-21-6627440 Baby care, gift, infant toys, home appliances, garment 2537 PT.Surya Mas Mandiri Mr. aming luo 62-21-66604780 62-21-66604781 Stationery, Gift, Agriculture 2538 BATAVIA ARTS & CRAFTS Mr. Ferdinandus Arifin 62-21-68161591 62-21-68161593 yjpushen@hotmail.com Crafts, gifts 2539 bagus indonesia Mr. David Campbell 62-21-68275706 62-21-68275706 -nom...@yahoogroups.com Gift, Craft 2540 CV. Mitratama Perkasa Ms. Tri Widodo 62-21-68359869 62-21-8351978 Natural Handicraft,Gifts,decorative item 2541 TAN'S GIFT Ms. KIKI SYARITA 62-21-68535586 62-21-5924783 lsmith@biomail.ucsd.edu Paper Bags, Star Bows 2542 CV. Indotrade Gallery Mr. bambang basuki 62-21-68902883 62-21-68902883 Gifts, crafts 2543 Sito's Ms. F Catharina Latjuba 62-21-7181527 62-21-7180401 Amoga10@msn.com Furniture, bed set, gifts, decorations and embroidery clothes. 2544 brighten-up Mr. wismanto kusumaedi 62-21-7498244 62-21-7498244 Gift, antique 2545 Cantigi Ms. Yenny Sari 62-21-8281687 62-21-8281687 Gift, craft 2546 P.T. Arakundo Ms. Astrid Lim 62-21-89901166 62-21-89900066 Gifts, craft, furniture. 2547 Arla Gift Shop Mr. Saida Hamurwani 62-21-89907187 ...@itctel.com bags,crafts,accessories,souvenirs,miniatures,dolls,handmade,unique 2548 Nice Gift Souvenir Ms. Claudia Lukito 62-21-92950312 starwoodhr.china@starwoodhotels.com 2549 Matahari Gift Mr. Biong Hong Jo 62-21-98824790 62-21-98824790 info@eurocan-chinatrade.com Bamboo & Wooden Crafts, 2550 Alexandreia Design Mr. Sudiono Pui 62-21-99124807 62-21-84301235 info@obiv.org.tr Souvenir, Gifts, Household product 2551 Sutera Gift Ms. Antin Primanti 62-22-2013149 62-22-2012326 christine_ng1227@hotmail.com Hanging mirror made from wood frame which covered by egg skin (chicken/quail) 2552 MM The Nice Shop Mr. Theodore Yusuf 62-22-2507436 62-22-2516252 OlympicModelling@Gmail.com Toys, gift, shoes