We are immediately looking for a factory which can produce 100,000 a year bags by OEM production in Vietnam. We are looking for the factory-limited with the experience that produced four-wheeled trolly bags, carry bags before.The image of the bag is a street of the photographs. In addition, please reduce the price as much as possible and supply the parts entirely in a Vietnamese factory.The factory which can produce 100,000 torlley bags in these conditions, please e-mail to us immediately.We will contact your factory from our interpreter again to make arrangements in the details.The business becomes the L / C business.Company Name: Matemail Street Address: 5-2-34-501, Shirogayama, Tarumi, City: Kobe Province/State: Hyogo Country/Region: Japan Zip: 655-0884 Telephone: 81-078-7532400 Mobile Phone: 09036290501 Fax: 81-078-7532400