Our company is making own TOEIC(R) test questions, and we are now looking for those who are able to read our original script of Listening section (we will send you the files) and record the voice to MP3/WAV file. There are conversations between a man and a woman in TOEIC Listening section, so at least both a man and a woman are needed to record TOEIC(R) test narration. However, three and more narrators are preferred to make variation in voice. -Entire TOEIC Listening test is 45 minutes long.-There is approximately 25,000 words in one set. -The questions will be devided in 2-3 questions and recorded separately.-Need two and more narrators-Submitting sample narration is required before starting.-The price of one set will be US$ 50-100.-Quantity Required: 1-5 sets -The narration may be recorded in your house, at studio, or at any places where the condition is perfect for recording. -Payment is made through PayPal Street Address: 1-28-6Shoutou City: Shibuyaku Tokyo Country/Region: Japan Zip: 1500046 Telephone: 81-90-57716252