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06-08 19:05:57  来源:  作者:

Posted on 2012 年 3 月 19 日 by admin | Leave a reply hi
Good day
i want to know of ur products price and sample
if u send me of detail of ur product
u send me reply asap,

Best regards,

bharat tejani and nbsp;” 联系方式: “bharat tejani and nbsp;,
arobic trendz and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
9375730785 and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
” tejani_jani@hotmail.com India ; 采购产品 Packaging Products and amp; Equipment and nbsp; 采购详细内容 “Dear friend.
I am very interested in your products,
Our company are dedicates to the manufacturing of seal machinery , to
industrial automation and commercialization of equipments for automation.

I would thank you a lot if you would send me the relation of prices to be
able to evaluate a sample order and to be able to initiate a commercial and
friendship relation.

Thank you.
Jose Sandoval

and nbsp;” 联系方式: “Jose Sandoval and nbsp;,
AXIOMPACK SAC and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
0511-4204844 and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
” frankisa99@hotmail.com Peru ; 采购产品 Textile and amp; Fibers and nbsp; 采购详细内容 do you have a pvc floor in a plank serie (woodddesign)
sizes 6×48 or 7×48

thickness 2.5
wearlayer 0.5 or 0.7

Do you have these kind of flooring?
Hope to hear from you soon

With kind regards

Verena and nbsp; 联系方式: “verena and nbsp;,
allroundfloor and nbsp;,
info@allroundfloor.nl and nbsp;,
0031548616785 and nbsp;,
0031548616959 and nbsp;,
” info@allroundfloor.nl Netherlands ; 采购产品 Plastic and amp; Rubber Products and nbsp; 采购详细内容 “We are a Importer / trader of PVC Resin from India . Presently we are importing around 2000-2500 MT of PVC Per Month. We are supplying this directly to end users / Pipes mfg. units . We are interested to start direct import from you . Please give us a best quote for 170 MT( 10 cont) of PVC Resin Grade S 101 , for CIF Nhava Sheva . Thanks. and nbsp;” 联系方式: “SANJEEV MAL and nbsp;,
+91-11-27351845 and nbsp;,
+91-11-27354044 and nbsp;,
” avroverseas@rediffmail.com India ; 采购产品 Tools and nbsp; 采购详细内容 please contect in my mail
gayatri.sales@gmail.com and nbsp; 联系方式: “shailesh and nbsp;,
godhani impex company and nbsp;,
g51 pincess plaza varachha and nbsp;,
02612549975 and nbsp;,
02621252490 and nbsp;,
” gayatri.sales@gmail.com India ; 采购产品 Leather and Shoes and nbsp; 采购详细内容 sir i want to make floral foam
please can u tell me the formulation of floral foam

vishal garg
jasch petrochemicals (india)
and nbsp; 联系方式: “vishal and nbsp;,
jasch petrochemicals (india) and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
+919896301007 and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
” vishal_garg3g@yahoo.com India ; 采购产品 Gifts and Crafts and nbsp; 采购详细内容 lookng to purchase small color/dye sublimation printer for fabric printing. final product approximately 6 x 2 feet. For use in at home small business.

what products do you offer and prices? and nbsp; 联系方式: “Leah Humphries and nbsp;,
ML Designs and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
410-757-4532 and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
” leahcangemi@verizon.net United States ; 采购产品 Electronic Supplies and nbsp; 采购详细内容 Request quotation for Samsung camera.
Samsung dual LCDs ST550 and ST500.

Thank you
and nbsp; 联系方式: “Jane Bonafe and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
+632 922-8391853 and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
” zfp.aspac@gmail.com / jdevera@zfp.com None ; 采购产品 Sporting and amp; Leisure Goods and nbsp; 采购详细内容 Our company wants to buy Fitness Bike. Thanks in advance for your soonest reply. and nbsp; 联系方式: “Mr. Jim Schinkel and nbsp;,
Sportexe Inc. and nbsp;,
1809 Merrittville Hwy. Fonthill, Canada and nbsp;,
1-905-8926000 and nbsp;,
1-905-8928000 and nbsp;,
” jims@sportexe.com Canada ; 采购产品 “Security, Alarm and amp; Safety and nbsp;” 采购详细内容 Please provide us the price for the above unit and nbsp; 联系方式: “ibrahim rabie and nbsp;,
ETECHS and nbsp;,
92505 Riyadh 11663 Saudi Arabia and nbsp;,
096614505040 and nbsp;,
096614551147 and nbsp;,
” i.rabie@etechsco.com Saudi Arabia ; 采购产品 Computer and Communication and nbsp; 采购详细内容 Our company is looking for Computer And Peripheral Products.

Please feel free to contact us.
and nbsp; 联系方式: “Mr. N E L Fassi and nbsp;,
Foitec Sarl and nbsp;,
6 Rue Ahmed Elbihi Benjdia, Morocco and nbsp;,
212-522-450588 and nbsp;,
212-522-450587 and nbsp;,
” foitec@foitec.com Morocco ; 采购产品 Health and Pharmaceutical and nbsp; 采购详细内容 “Dear Sir/ Madam:

Our company is a medical distributor of aesthetic products in Peru and Venezuela.

We currently distribute tensor threads and dermafillers and we are interested in adding into our portfolio a botulinum toxin type A. Let us know if you have the Sanitary Registration?

Awaiting for your kind answer.

Best regards,

Rafael Cortes

and nbsp;” 联系方式: “Rafael Cortes and nbsp;,
Galamedic and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
511994092096 and nbsp;,
5112433161 and nbsp;,
” rcortes@galamedic.com Peru ; 采购产品 Machinery and amp; Industrial Supplies and nbsp; 采购详细内容 “Please forward to me brochures and info on your hematite separators. I need to know that there is no magnetite flocculation phenomenon with this separator. I need an absolutely clean hematite product.

Please forward the sizing, up to your largest size separator, and your pricing and timelines. Do you incorporate neodymium magnetics in these separators to reduce overall energy consumption, or is it entirely electromagnetic? and nbsp;” 联系方式: “Scott and nbsp;,
RMS-Ross Corp and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
604 792 5911 and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
” scottplummer@rmsross.com Canada ; 采购产品 Electronic Supplies and nbsp; 采购详细内容 “Hello,

I am interested to do business with your company on large volumes of business. Kindly mail me pictures of your best LCD projectors available.

Preferable – 3000 ANSI lumens
with HDMI, Component, TV, USB port, AV

and nbsp;” 联系方式: “Auburn Bout and nbsp;,
Oryx Cinemas and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
0425634443 and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
” auby_b@hotmail.com Australia ; 采购产品 Plastic and amp; Rubber Products and nbsp; 采购详细内容 “besoin du Pvc souple granul?rgnrs, noir, shor entre 75 et 80 pour fabrication de couche interne des tuyaux darrosage.
and nbsp;” 联系方式: “21410591 and nbsp;,
AS and nbsp;,
zone indistriell oued chaabouni and nbsp;,
74671345 and nbsp;,
74672128 and nbsp;,
” anas@tunet.tn Tunisia ; 采购产品 Automobiles and amp; Motorcycles and nbsp; 采购详细内容 Can you send a prototype? and nbsp; 联系方式: “John Wentzky and nbsp;,
John D. “”Dnepr”" Wentzky and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
864-556-8709 and nbsp;,
and nbsp;,
” dnepr@bellsouth.net United States ; 采购产品 Automobiles and amp; Motorcycles and nbsp; 采购详细内容 “We are interested in the purchase of 9 nos Vehicle lift with 40 Ton Capacity.

It can be either scissor type or Colum type.

The track length shall be of minimum 12 Meter.

Trust you have the same type in your product range.

Request to send us your offer mentioning the delivery schedule.



Thomas Varghese K
Procurement Manager
Baghdad, Iraq

Mobile No: +964 (0) 790 508 9 023
Email: thomas.varghese@fiafigroup.com
and nbsp;” 联系方式: “Thomas and nbsp;,
FIAFI GROUP and nbsp;,
thomas.varghese@fiafigroup.com and nbsp;,
00965 790 50 890 23 and nbsp;,
00965 790 50 890 23 and nbsp;,
” Posted in Canton Fair, Foreign buyers material, International buyers

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