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06-09 08:20:27  来源:  作者:

(colored/dyed), count 20/2, 32/2 and 40/2. Requirement 3 forty feet containers per month . 3) 100% cotton yarn (colored/dyed), count 30/1 and 40/1. Requirement 1 forty feet container. per month. 4) Nylon yarn 1/70 D and 2/70 D (colored/dyed), Requirement 2 forty feet container per month 5) Lurex Metallic yarn MH-type and MX-type, 12 micron, thickness 1/69 (supported by polyester or nylon). 1 twenty feet container per month. Mr. Nizam uddin khan Managing Director N-U.K Trades Limited. Tel :00880-2-8852158 , 8852159 Fax: 00880-2-8853383 E-mail : nuk@citech-bd.com 36、阿根廷商人欲求购空调和采暖设备 现有一阿根廷商人欲求购空调和采暖设备,有意者请与 Horacio Pantano联系,电话/传真:(0054)-2652-424737 、442876,邮箱:pantanoinstalaciones@gmail.com ,地址 :Rivadavia 444-(5700) San Luis, Argentina. 37、科特迪瓦公司求购汽车零配件(含汽车前玻璃) 科一公司求购汽车零配件(含汽车前玻璃),该公司近期内 派人赴中国,希望在出发前能够与中国汽车零配件厂商建立联 系.有意者请直接与其联系. 公司名称: UTB (Union des Transports de Bouaké) 通信地址: 10 BP 3111 Abidjan 10 联 系 人: Béatrice KONAN 传 真: 00225-21283325 电 话: 00225-21283326 移动电话: 00225-06182952 电子邮件: kànan11deatrice@hotmail.com 38、斯洛伐克寻找安全鞋生产商 We are looking for reliable producer with a lot of experiences in order he can produce shoes from our collection under our brand name Wintopek. You can find our whole collection on our web site http://www.wintoperk.sk/index.php?language=en . We are looking for company which is financially strong, has a lot of experiences with production of safety and occupational shoes and is able to produce for us wide range of safety shoes. This company must have attractive, modern, wide sole in assortment from 36 - 48 and must produce PU/PU, PU/TPU, PU/ rubber, ESD sole shoes ( O1, S1, S1P,S2, S3). This company has to offer us very competitive prices. Our payment term is L/C 30 days from date of B/L. Our last year sold quantity was over 350 000 pairs. WINTOPERK, s.r.o. Nitrianska 103 95801 Partizske SLOVAKIA tel.: +421 38 749 7127 fax: +421 38 749 7126 mobil: +421 911 412 531 SKYPE:Roman Duchyna e-mail: obchod@wintoperk.sk web.: www.wintoperk.sk 39、俄罗斯公司寻购天然气压缩机 俄罗斯ООO《Румаш》拟购买中国生产的压缩机, 用于地下天然气储藏库、天然气主干线压缩转输、油田伴生 气采集以及石油天然气加工厂。 请有兴趣的中国生产企业同俄方建立直接联系。 联系地址: 俄罗斯,111141,г. Москва, ул. Плеханова, д. 7, стр. 1 电话:+7-495-2871207, 2871210 传真:+7-495-2871208, 3063357 网址:www.zavodrm.ru E-mail: info@zavodrm.ru 联系人:Ткачев В.А. 40、拉脱维亚KOKA公司供应木材及其制品 拉脱维亚KOKA公司供应木材及其制品,有意者请直接和 该公司联系。 公司名称:KOKA 地址:Cesu Iela 16,Riga,LV1012 电话:00371-67708448 传真:00371-67708447 电子信箱:Normunds@koka.lv 41、罗马尼亚寻求制作毡帽合作伙伴 罗马尼亚SC DANIELLE COMPANY SRL公司寻求中国制做毡 帽企业的合作。有兴趣同罗马尼亚开展合作的中国企业,请 直接和罗马尼亚该公司联系,联系方式: 公司名称: S.C. DANIELLE COMPANY S.R.L. 联系人: Adrian Birsan 技术厂长 电 话: 0040-254- 222444 传 真: 0040-254 -222111 E-mail: adrian.barsan@daniellecompany.ro 42、罗马尼亚农业公司寻购中国产葡萄藤支架 罗马尼亚 S.C. Agricola Dumbraveni S.A.农业公司有 50公顷葡萄园,希望从中国进口葡萄藤镀锌金属支架。有能 力提供上述产品者,请直接同该公司联系,联系方式如下: 公司名称:S.C. Agricola Dumbraveni S.A. 联 系 人:Cretu Catalin 总工程师 Tel./Fax:0040269865437 Mobil:0040740115216 E-mail: director@agricoladumbraveni.ro juridic@agricoladumbraveni.ro 43、沙特客户求购颌式破碎机 沙特客户求购颌式破碎机(不接受L/C付款者扰)。详见图片说明。 44、伊拉克产特种技术指标燃油寻中国进口商 黎巴嫩公司持伊拉克产特种技术指标(技术指标请见下表)燃油待向中国出口,特寻中国进口商。有意者请与其直接联系。 联系人:Saeed 电 话:00961-3089878 电子邮件:saeed@2008.sina.com 45、孟加拉国客户咨询购买热轧钢板 Hot rolled steel sheet in coil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.贝宁一公司求购药品 贝宁Le Cocotier SARL公司求购药品 联系人:Fakambi Bankole先生 电话:00229-93743412 邮箱:fakbank@yahoo.fr 2.缅甸铁道部采购招标信息 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR MINISTRY OF RAIL TRANPORTATION MYANMAR RAILWAYS INVITATION TO SEALED TENDERS 1. Sealed Tenders is invited for supply of the following in Euro-Tender No: 15(T)10/MR(E) 2011-2009 Description: Raw Materials for Concreter Sleeper Production (i) Rail Clip 360000 Nos (ii) H.T Steel Strand 456.22 M.Tons (iii) Case Iron Insert 360000 Nos (iv) Fibre Pad 180000 Nos (v) Nylon Liner 360000 Nos (vi) Steel Wedges 40000 Pairs 2. Closing Date/time -15.5.2009(Friday) (12:00)HoursTender documents are available at our office starting from 16.3.2009 during office hours and for further details please call/00951-291994,291985Deputy General Manager, Supply Department, Myanmar Railways, Corner of Theinbyu Street and Merchant Street, Botataung, Yangon 3.孟加拉客户咨询购买钢材、铜合金、轴承设备 客户咨询购买钢材、铜合金、轴承设备等 1) Polymide Vestamide-12 2) Various kind of steel need for making plastic injection die/forging die. 3)Gmcs stripe (copper alloy) 4)Machinery for making bearing balls Company Name: MIM Attn to Mr.Mujib/Mr.Maktu Add: 78,Motijheel C/A( 7th floor),Dhaka, Bangladesh Tel: 00880-2-9558910 e-mail: mimmarium@yahoo.com 4.孟加拉国客户咨询购买绝缘材料、铜材、球轴承等 1) Electric insulation paper/Fiber paper 2) Aluminum waste and scrape including LM-24. 3) Brass sheet and rod 4) Super enameled copper wire 5) Ball bearing National Fans Limited Attn to Mr.S.Shafque Ahmed Add: 119/1,Shantinagar,Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh Tel/Fax: 00880-2-8331024 Fax: 8311989 e-mail: nfansltd@gtlbd.com 5.孟加拉客户咨询购买电子仪器设备和客机服务设施 Potential Transformer, current transformer, digital meter, phase detector, circuit breaker, wire grip, guy wire, energy meter, chain pulley. Ground support equipment for airlines (Trolley, dollies, stair, aircraft air condition van, GPU, tow bar Etc.) In-flight items (Paper glass, aluminum foil container, lead seal, amenity kits, Etc.) HAMTEX INTERNATIONAL CO. ATTN TO MR.HUANYUN KABIR FLAT NO.14,6/22 HUMANYUN ROAD, BLOCK-B,MOHAMMADPUR,DHAKA TEL:00880-2-8143565 E-MAIL: hamtexint@gmail.com 6.文莱水晶加工企业寻求中国包装供货商及研磨机器 文莱国营水晶工艺品加工企业Mahkota Crystal S Bhd为提升产品质量和外包装,希望从中国寻找以下产品供货企业: 1、水晶工艺品外包装精美硬盒 2、礼品袋 3、玻璃研磨抛光机器 4、玻璃切割机器 有意洽谈的企业可通过以下方式联系: 企业名称:Mahkota Crystal S Bhd 负责人:Hjh Salina Abd Rannie 电话: 00673-2395781 传真: 00673-2395785 e-mail: mahkotacrystal@hotmail.com 如需我经商处协助,请发邮件至:bn@mofcom.gov.cn 7.伊朗商人求购生产拖鞋原材料(合成四号) 公司:Qom Grabul Co. 电话:0251-6640313 传真:0251-6640322 电邮:Manager@sanat-granule.com 8.沙特客户求购汽车备件 沙特客户求购汽车备件 请联系: Mr.Ahmed Abdrabouh Abdullah Mobile: 00966-598451176 E-mail: tit_1_@hotmail.com 9.沙特客户可供废轮胎橡胶 沙特客户可供废轮胎橡胶 请联系: PIONEER RUBBER RECYCLING FACTORY TEL: 00966-1-4853682 FAX: 00966-1-4801989 E-MAIL: send2ahmed@gmail.com 10.叙利亚客商求购童装、节能灯等 叙商求购童装、节能灯等 COMPANY NAME: AL-MUHER AL-ASIL EXPORT, S.L. TEL: 21-2210277 FAX: 21-52271710 MOBILE: 944-570902 E-MAIL: almuher_alasil@hotmail.com CONTACT: AHMED NAHAS INTEREST: - CHILDREN & BABY CLOTHES - STRINGS - SOLAR HEATER - SOLARE ELECTRIC - ENERGY SAVING LAMP (LED) - ELECTRONIC POWER ADAPTER AND REGULATOR - REFRIGERATOR AND HOUSE DEVICES AND EQUIPMENTS 11.黎巴嫩公司求购单级变压器 黎巴嫩公司REMALEC

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