Required: 2414 Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals 2441 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products 2442 Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations Details of the owner of the business offer: Name: Alpha-Vet állatgyógyászati Ltd. Headquaters:??8000 Székesfehérvár, Homoksor utca 7. HUNGARY Telephone:??+36-22-516419 Fax:??+36-22-516416 E-mail address:?? WWW address:?? Manager:??Dr. Móré Attila 21 We seek supplier for flee-extripating dog-collar, ecto-parasite extripating spots and shampoons. Description of business offer: Alpha-Vet Ltd. is the market leading distributor of veterinary medicine in Hungary. We seek a reliable partner to establish long-term cooperation for supplying us with flee-extripating dog-collar, ecto-parasite extripating spots and shampoons. Please contact us! Feature(s) of business offer: Product-demand Capacity-demand Business category of the business offer: 2413 Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicals 2414 Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals 2451 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations Details of the owner of the business offer: Name: Alpha-Vet állatgyógyászati Ltd. Headquaters:??8000 Székesfehérvár, Homoksor utca 7. HUNGARY Telephone:??+36-22-516419 Fax:??+36-22-516416 E-mail address:?? WWW address:?? Manager:??Dr. Móré Attila 22 意大利CRESCENZI CAFFE公司希望进口塑料椅和树脂椅 意大利CRESCENZI CAFFE公司希望进口塑料椅和树脂椅。 公司电话:0039-0775-292298 公司传真:0039-0775-200194 电子信箱,crescenzicaffe@lib 33 CARDI COMERCIAL, S.A.??纽约 CARDI COMERCIAL, S.A. 于在中国寻porcelain、textile、hardware等产品,在国外销售。 有兴趣请直接联系: Pedro Cardi F. Email: Tel: +1-809-544-1682 +1-809-566-2032 Fax: +1-809-544-3124 求购:硼硅冕玻璃(Borosilikatglas)壶、杯,陶瓷壶等? ? 汉堡 公司名称:Riensch & Held Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG 公司地址:Hans-Duncker-Str. 1 21035 Hamburg 联系人:Manja Behrens 电话:0049-40-73424-161 传真:0049-40-73424-182 24 阿拉伯商人求购玩具 COMPNAY NAME:Sahloul & Kouifi Co. TEL:00963/011/2321150 FAX:011/2313097 mobile: 094/218757 CONTACT:Samir Kouifi INTEREST: toys F¢?w?ú°_Fbbs.easybizchina.com1§y X÷? 悉尼求购:可降解塑料袋 商品信息 名称: Bio-degradable/Recycled Plastic Bags 类别: Articles of Daily Use 规格: Blackbags/whiteprinting/0.025mmthick/20x12x40cm 交易数量: 100000 备注: Rolls of biodegradable or RecycledPlastic bags.40 bags per roll,50 rolls per box.Each roll held by a rubber band.1 side of bag printed 15%ink coverage (artwork will be posted)T-shirt shape bag.Qoute in Aust $ 进出口: 进口 公司信息 名称: John Howard 地址: Unit 15 / 101 Macleay Street , Potts Point , Sydney 联系人: Mr. John Howard 电话: 0408 482 560 传真: 02 9357 4742 E-MAIL: 26.. 新西兰求购茶叶和容器 求购人:Kathryn Weir 地址:96 Evans Bay Parade Wellington Tel: 0064-4-385 1164 Email: 茶叶的具体品种: I wish to import top quality, loose teas and am looking for a supplier who can communicate well in English. I will need freight prices to New Zealand and quantities the teas are available in. I am looking for the following teas; Black teas like these and others Assam FOP Ceylon BOP Darjeeling FTGFOP 2nd flush China Rose. A blend of Rose Petals and china tea Darjeeling FTGFOP 1st flush ? Ging Tea Garden English Blend English breakfast Irish Breakfast Flavoured black teas Many flavoured teas like these; Chocolate ? Vanilla and caramel Irish Cream Mango Indica Strawberry and cream Vanilla 1001 Nights ? greenand black teas flavoured with rose petals, jasmine and