老外是这样写的: Dear ***, Please be inform that full pay valued of USD $ 8000 will be in your account latest by 04-05-2011. Please consider our long time business relation. You are requested to process the order and arrange to send the same to Jinan *** Co.,Ltd by 20th May 2011. Thanks for your cooperation. Regards 我们当初报过去的价格是8492美元,就是希望长期合作,所以已经是最低的价格了。老外一下子把后面三位直接抹掉了,无语啊。。抹掉我们就要亏本了。。。 再加上老外要货很急,如果价格马上定下来,也要25天的时间才能交货。头都大了,我是新手,求教各位前辈,福友,我该怎么回复他好啊?