A Biederman Inc 1425 Grand Central Ave, Glendale, CA 91201-2429 818-246-8431 FAX: 818-244-2189 E-Mail: abiederman.com URL: www.abiederman.com VP Oper, Larry Walker; Sr VP Sls, Bill Reis; Emp: 90, 1933 Distributes instruments, valves, and safety equipment. AAF International 10300 Ormsby Pk Pl, Suite 600, P0 Box 35690 (40232-5690) Louisville, KY 40223-6169 502-637-0011 FAX: 502-637-0321 E-Mail: info@aafintl.com URL: www.aafintl.com VP/Gen Mgr, Alan Steiden; VP Sls, Jim Douglas; VP Mktg/Svc, David Shaw; VP HR, Gary Boyd; VP Fin, Bruce Krueger; Emp: 2,100, 1921 Supplies AstroCel II plenum filters, e-PTFE filters, TM-ducted modules, grid systems, fan filter modules, and accessory items for the cleanroom industry. Design-build capabilities. FM and UL listed and ISO 9000-certified. AAK Corp 73 Newton Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865-2406 603-382-2222 FAX: 603-382-6666 E-Mail: aakco@juno.com URL: www.aakcorp.com Ch Eng, Joseph DiPrimo: Sis Mgr, Pat McColley; Emp: 14, 1976 Manufactures AC/DC power sources and DC/DC converters. Aalborg Instruments 20 Corporate Dr, Orangeburg, NY 10962 845-770-3000 FAX: 845-770-3010 E-Mail: info@aalborg.com URL: www.aalborg.com CFO, D. Reed; Purch Mgr, Bernie Kletter; QA Mgr, Stefan Radecki; Emp: 1972 Manufactures thermal mass flow controllers and meters for gases. Products include variable area (Rotameter) flow meters, including PTFE-PFA Teflon Rotameters; PTFE-Teflon needle valves, stainless-steel or brass barstock needle valves stepping motor driven control valves, and calibration services. AB Sandvik Prostgaardsvagen 2, S-660 60 Molkom, Sweden; 46-553-31300 FAX: 46-553-10345 E-Mail: sandy.wallgren@sandvik.com URL: www.steel.sandvik.com/calamo Man Dir, Geran Gustafsson; Mfg Mgr, Joacim Ericson; Quality Mgr, Torbsorn Suanberg; Mktg Mgr, Sandy Wallgren; Emp: 50, 1996 Offers Sandvik Calamo tubes and fittings for high-purity gas and liquid systems. Calamo has over 30 years experience in electropolishing of tubes. ABB Bomen Inc 585 Charest Blvd E, Suite 300, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada G1K-9H4 800-858-3847 FAX: 418-877-2944 E-Mail: ftir@ca.abb.com URL: www.abb.com/analytical Ind Mgr, Paul Chabot; Dir Sls/Bus Dev, Jean-Noel Berube; Emp: 250, 1973 Offers the wet process analyzer, a fast, cost-effective, space-efficient, and reliable way to monitor the composition of the various solutions used in cleaning, etching, and stripping baths. This tool can also provide real-time process control to these same chemistries, maximizing yield while minimizing the overall cost of ownership. ABB Extrel 575 Epsilon Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2838 412-963-7530 FAX: 412-963-6578 E-Mail: dave.kimmell@us.abb.com URL: www.extrel.com Bus Unit Mgr, Richard Schaeffer; Worldwide Sls Mgr, Dave Kimmell; Gen Mgr, Luke Kephart; Emp: 70, 1964 Builds high-resolution, high-sensitivity quadrupole mass spectrometers for online, real-time gas analysis. Monitors incoming high-purity gases to material analysis of the finished product. Makes ppm, ppb, and ppt high-purity gas analyzers: plasma, etch, lithography CVD and MBE process monitors; abatement and gas recovery monitors; and instruments for SIMS and TPD. ABB Inc Unit of ABB Group 29801 Euclid Ave, Wickliffe, OH 44092 440-585-8500 FAX: 440-585-7944, URL www.abb.com Emp: 850, 1916 Offers control systems for the process industries. Abbie Gregg Inc 1130 E University Dr, Suite 105, Tempe, AZ 85281 480-446-8000 FAX: 480-446-8001 E-Mail: agi@abbiegregg.com URL: www.abbiegregg.com Pres, Abbie Gregg VP Controller, Michelle Henegar Sr Tech Staff Oper, Lara York Dir Industrial Eng, Craig Rosarucker Emp: 1985 Provides engineering and consulting services cleanroom and Nanoscience Lab layout and facility design. Fit-up of nanotech, semiconductor, biomed, and FPD process, test and assembly equipment. Process, test and cleanroom training. Process analysis. Factory simulation and modeling, CAD services. Yield enhancement and troubleshooting. Ablestik 20021 Susana Rd, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 310-764-4600 FAX: 310-764-2545 E-Mail: betterbond@ablestik.com URL: www.ablestik.com Pres, Alan Syzdek VP, Jeff Gausepohi VP, David Shenfield Emp: 500, 1961 Manufactures electrically and thermally conductive paste, turn and tape adhesives, and underfill encapsulants used in semiconductor and microelectronics assembly. Applications include semiconductor packaging and optoelectronics. Abrasive Technology 8400 Green Meadows Dr, PO Box 545, Lewis Center, OH 43035 740-548-4100 FAX: 740-548-7617 E-Mail: customerservice@abrasive-tech.com URL: www.abrasive-tech.com Sls/Bus Day, Bob Bancroft Sls/Bus Dev, Sohail Qamar Emp: 1971 Offers diamond CMP pad conditioners, manufactured with the patented P.B.S. bonding system, where each diamond is permanently brazed to the stainless steel substrate to promote high-diamond exposure and excellent flatness. Application-specific pad conditioners are now available for the most demanding ILD, STI, Tungsten, and copper CMP processes. Accent Optical Technologies 131 NW Hawthorne, Suite 207, Bend, OR 97701 541-322-2500 FAX: 541-318-1966 E-Mail: sales@accentopto.com URL: www.accentopto.com CEO/Chmn, Bruce Rhine VP/Gen Mgr Optoelectronic, Steve Blight Pres, Greg Kaiser CFO, John Watkins VP Sls/Mktg/Bus Dev Opto, Raj Mundhe VP Global Sls Silicon Div, Steve Westrate Sr VP Global Oper/Cust Svc, Bruce Crawford VP/GM Silicon Bus Group, Raj Kaul Emp: 280, 2000 Supplies process control and measurement tools for the optoelectronics, wireless, and silicon semiconductor equipment industries. Fast, fully automated, nondestructive process control solutions perform critical functions for high-yield manufacturing and new material development. SALES OFFICES: US Sales, San Jose, CA; 800-900-0955 UK Sales, York, UK; 44-1904-715500 Accretech USA Wafer Manufacturing Systems Div, 48 Spruce St, Oakland, NJ 07436 201-651-6700 FAX: 201-651-6712 E-Mail: petersond@accretechusa.com VP/Gen Mgr, David Duncavage Dir Sls, Dietmar Peterson Dir Oper, Wesley Chorles Engr Mgr, Robert Steere III Emp: 60, 1970 Designs and manufactures edge polishing systems, single sided surface polishing machines, edge grinding machines, substrate thickness measurement, and sorting machines. Equipment available to process substrated diameters from 25mm (1 in.) to 300mm (12 in.). Accretech USA Inc Semiconductor Equipment Sector, 2520 Junction Ave, San Jose, CA 95134 408-952-7900 FAX: 408-952-7901 URL: www.accretechusa.com Supplies semiconductor manufacturing equipment and precision measurement systems, machine control gauges, surface tester measuring instruments, wafer probing machines and other systems, based on high-precision measurement and micropositioning technology. Accumet Engineering Corp 518 Main St, Hudson, MA 01749 978-568-8311 FAX: 978-562-4384 E-Mail: hugh@accumet.com URL: www.accumet.com CEO, Hugh S. Muffoletto QA Mgr, Larry C. Voyer Sls, John F. Redman Emp: 35, 1970 Offers lapping, polishing, diamond sawing, and lasering for ceramic, BeO, silica, AIN, and other dielectric substrates. Accuprobe Inc PO Box 1044, Salem, MA 01970 978-745-7878 FAX: 978-745-7922 E-Mail: accuprobe@aol.com URL: www.accuprobe.com Pres, Jeff Wake Pacific Rim/Asia Sls Mgr, Djajadi Soekosin Dir, Thomas H. Murphy Emp: 25, 1976 Offers wafer sort and hybrid laser trim, fixed-pattern probe cards, probes, and other materials for card assembly; and assembly and test equipment for card assembly and test. Accurate Gas Control Systems 2825 S Rodeo Gulch Rd, Suite 1, Soquel, CA 95073 831-462-0500 FAX: 831-462-0507 E-Mail: agce@accurategas.com URL: www.accurategas.com Pres,