详细内容 It is a Battery Operated Motorized Sponge for young and old to use for bathing. The handle serves as the battery compartment. The battery could be the type R20 or the rechargeable batteries. The battery will be connected to the Motor such that the battery will power it to be able to rotate the sponge. The sponge will be clipped to the rotating table and will be used to scrub the body. It shall have 3 types of sponge (Strong, Averagely Strong & Soft) in a packet. It can be removed and replaced depending on which one you want to use. It is an invention which have been patented and I am looking for a company who can produce it. 联系方式 Email service@advancedairsystems.net 公司名 华元食品股份有限公司 国家 中国台湾 联系人 郭耀鹏 地址 台中县梧栖镇自立二街392号 电话 00886 4 26393118 **** Hidden Message *****Email dina@pioneerroofers.net,wtully45@cs.com,nava6009@prodigy.net.mx,publisher@keybiscaynemag.com,terry.hamilton@motion-ind.com,