详细内容 HiWe research big quantity of fire wood on pallet (ash/oak if possible....) moisture must be less than 20% quantity/palets 2RMBut it can be other hardwood species...Send us price by full truck (and description of your product....)Place of deliver France zip code 56000-We can pay custom clearance-We can arrange transportation by sea (for latvia ; estonia lithuania or other country..)BEST REGARDS 联系方式 Email smb102684@aol.com 公司名 美福食品股份有限公司 国家 中国台湾 联系人 张国骏 地址 台北市松山区民生东路四段97巷2弄18号 电话 00886 2 27122555 **** Hidden Message *****Email ryanc@nextenergy.org,j_cadice@hotmail.com,acosta817@sbcglobal.net,tonyp@warrenlabsaloe.com,yifan@yifanzhang.com,