详细内容 PVC caps from 1 1/2" to 36" to protect steel pipe endsthe height from 1 1/2" to 3" height 35mm,3 1/2" to 24" height 55mm,more than 24" heightmore than 80mmfactory produce PVC caps can be export and will be tight and notfall off from the pipes. 联系方式 Email DKU0527@AOL.COM 公司名 LTD TRADE CENTER VIMPEL 国家 俄罗斯联邦 联系人 contact 地址 MOSCOW,STR.ANOSOVA, 3, AP. 37 电话 007 095 1708329 **** Hidden Message *****Email fikretceker@yahoo.com,zwfcj5@yahoo.com,pacawares@mail.com,alan197019701970@yahoo.com.kh,vitz@korea.com,