详细内容 OYEWALE GROUP OF NIGERIA LIMITED is a group of company registered under the Government of Nigeria and the company approve and got Incorporation Certificate as a confirmed import and export and also the only distributor in Nigeria and tertity copy issue from Chinese Embassy as an authentication.OYEWALE GROUP OF NIGERIA LIMITED,locate at 1 Oremeji Street off Aina Road Isolo Lagos Nigeria. 联系方式 Email emues@mikropul.com 公司名 M & D Trading Co 国家 加拿大 联系人 contact 地址 100 Steelcase Rd E # 6,Markham Ontario 电话 001 905 477 8832 **** Hidden Message *****Email valtonw@murcowall.com,trevor.c@phrmaworks.com,davecowden@donnellymetals.com,jorge_bobadilla@aoitechno.com,mgraham@moog.com,