详细内容 We have started a work clothing apparel company in California and we need a small manufacturer for small initial orders and then larger orders. My team has recently finished designing a dozen plus garments. We have incorporated, built a website and bought office space. Now we need a supplier.We are looking for a reliable partner who we can send our garments to and who can then reproduce them in different sizes and colors for us. We need a manufacturer who can make, jeans, shirts, jackets, pants, t-shirts and leather good would be good too. Some of these products will need triple stitching and heavy canvas. 联系方式 Email adjohn@uoregon.edu 公司名 EUROPOLL, Sas 国家 意大利 联系人 Roberto Costamagna 地址 Via Divisione Cuneense 6, I 12023, CARAGLIO 电话 0039 0171 618882 **** Hidden Message *****Email jlking@umich.edu,kufre.udosen@yahoo.com,kkcarroll10@yahoo.com,pandbschultz@aol.com,carlcorlee@aol.com,