详细内容 Iam looking for wholesale supplier of polished tender coconut or tender coconut polishing machine, to do regular business. I want full specification of the product - price, minimum order quantity, shelf life, delivery time and other terms and conditions.RegardsNoore Afshan 联系方式 Email m.bruehl@g2online.com 公司名 ETS BORDILS 国家 法国 联系人 M BORDILS JESUS 地址 39 RUE DE CARPENTRAS, FRUILEG 278, 94592, RUNGIS CEDEX 电话 0033 1 46860543 **** Hidden Message *****Email chorwath@beckpack.com,larryp@petersonanscompant.com,farmsteadfresh@aol.com,biostim@comcast.net,cjunkins@garrettcounty.org,