详细内容 We are importer of Aroma Chemicals & Essential Oils. In the mean time we are interested in importing 2000Kgs Nerolin Yara Yara, so kindly offer us lowest possible CFR Karachi prices with COA, MSDS, Packing and shipment details.Looking forward.Best regards.Kashif Qaiser 联系方式 Email sb224077@ms25.hinet.net 公司名 CATTLEMEN'S CONNECTION 国家 美国 联系人 ROGER GATES 地址 2124 US HIGHWAY 73, HIAWATHA, KS 66434 电话 001 785 742 3163 **** Hidden Message *****Email p5911111@ms19.hinet.net,w0509@ms8.hinet.net,cheong.ya@msa.hinet.net,yun.hsi@msa.hinet.net,cshuang@ms12.hinet.net,