详细内容 We're looking for factories who can produce the 100% cotton 30 singles plain tees in huge quantity and low prices. Please contact us if you're serious. 联系方式 Email mbrown32@maine.rr.com 公司名 Den' Quelle Corp (Hong Kong) Limited 国家 中国香港 联系人 Mr Chak-Chow Wong 地址 Flat 1007, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 电话 00852 28517808 **** Hidden Message *****Email jose.ferreira@veneporte.pt,kenpw@iceng.biz,kodougherty@sevenstarmn.com,james.templiniii@duke-energy.com,randy.holland@invensyscontrols.com,