详细内容 HelloDear Sir or MadamWe're looking for new or used whole hot rolling mill production line as follow:- Capacity: 50,000MT per year (based on 2 working shift per day)- Finished product: round and deformed bare diameter 8mm to 32mm- Raw material: billet with sizes of 125mm?25mm and 150mm?50mmIf you are able to provide, please send its specification including below, at: ir.rollingmill(at)yahoo.com- Required installation area to install machinery (width and length)- Required electricity power for the mill (? Megawatt)- Kind of fuel- Fuel consumption- Water consumption- Electromotors features- It would be appreciated to have related layout in AutoCAD format- Competitive price- Payment terms- Incoterms- Delivery time- Other necessary detailsHope we can have successful cooperation.Thanks in advance,Look forward to hearing from you soon.Best regardsAli Asghar Javanparast 联系方式 Email jarmeneddy@comcast.net 公司名 C. QUESADA SEGURA 国家 西班牙 联系人 contact 地址 C/.SOPRESEN NRO. 9//E-52005 MELILLA 电话 0034 95 2673060 **** Hidden Message *****Email purchasing@alpinesteel.com,lucyedna@hotmail.com,w_castillo7@yahoo.com,bchatman57@yahoo.com,carlo-shamrock@optonline.net,