详细内容 Hi Members,I am looking for a manufacturer who can make cot size sheet set, with pillow and polar fleece blanket in girl and boy design, I have designs and I want total of 2000set in 100%cotton, 250 thread count, cotton percale.Kindly reply me promptly on . My company is called Good Apples and I am based in Sydney, AuThnksIsmat 联系方式 Email FAIROUZMASOUD@HOTMAIL.COM 公司名 BERND KUBON IMPORT-EXPORT 国家 德国 联系人 BERND KUBON 地址 AM FELDRAIN 3,D-41334 NETTETAL 电话 0049 2157 811 891 **** Hidden Message *****Email twngdn@ms18.hinet.net,nancyg@nnfarms.net,btm88@pchome.com.tw,woodsontrans@earthlink.net,morettifer@tin.it,