详细内容 We are a company which are interested in buying tire pyrolisis equipment to recycle tires into oil.We are mostly interested in a continous rotary kilns but are prepared to look at any other options and we are thinking that we would want to be processing about 2000 to 3000 tires a day.Thank you for your time Gary Stephens 联系方式 Email aka@freeghana.com 公司名 PROYECTOS COMERCIALES GRUPO ROZEMA,S.L. 国家 西班牙 联系人 ANTONIO GASPARET 地址 ALDAIA,VALENCIA 电话 0034 606311289 **** Hidden Message *****Email alhamad@brain.net.pk,bhaimsohn@cs.com,chintool@pub.dgnet.gd.cn,myint@hanafos.com,lmjlmjabc@163.com,