详细内容 HAMMOND CHEMICALS UK LIMITED established over 60 years ago is a major importer and dealer onvarious products. We are interested in buying the following products: DYESTUFFS, COLORANTS, PAINTS, PIGMENTS, ADHESIVES, GLUE, THINNER, POLISHES, DYE INTERMEDIATES, HAIR DYES, FOOD COLORANTS, CAR PAINTS, PAINTS & COATING, ETCSerious Manufacturers and Exporter are requested to send us specificoffer including full product specification, pack sizes, prices anddelivery lead time.RegardsNICHOLAS HAMMOND 联系方式 Email karenfelker@live.com 公司名 L.A.PRICE KING,INC. 国家 美国 联系人 contact 地址 338 E.3RD STREET LOS ANGELES,CA 90013 电话 001 213 6268005 **** Hidden Message *****Email davidg@iongno.com,crestartcraft@hotmail.com,lbiconstruct1@yahoo.com,jeff_kovach@hotmail.com,tlam45387@aol.com,