详细内容 HAMMOND CHEMICALS UK LIMITED established over 60 years ago is a major importer and dealer on various products including but not limited: VITAMIN & HEALTH FOOD, NUTRITIONAL FOOD SUPPLEMENTS, ENERGY DRINKSSeriousManufacturers and Exporters should please send detailed offer includingspecification, pack sizes, delivery lead time and prices.Thanks and looking forward to your positive response hachemuk@ yahoo.co.ukOther products we are interested on are:FOOD & FOOD PRODUCTSPHARMACEUTICALS & OTC MEDICINEMEDICINE & HERBAL FORMULATIONHERBAL ALTERNATIVE MEDICINECIGAR & CIGARETTESBEVERAGES & WINEDYESTUFFS, PAINTS, PIGMENTS, ADHESIVE, GLUE, THINNER & PAINTSAEROSOL & DOMESTIC HYGIENE PRODUCTS, INSECTICIDESTOBACCO & SNUFFRegardsNICHOLAS HAMMOND 联系方式 Email jhensley@osg-armor.com 公司名 AZAD INTERNATIONAL,INC. 国家 美国 联系人 Mr. VICTOR N. KHUBANI 地址 2 DANIEL ROAD FAIRFIELD,NEW JERSEY 电话 001 973 8081922 **** Hidden Message *****Email mariab@serendipityelectronics.com,todds@martin-eng.com,dmoyle@healthadvocate.com,cv1n1@aol.com,realitywise@msn.com,