美国某公司求购: Stainless Steel Foils: thickness/gauge: .002 to .005. inches widths: 12", 24", 36", and 40"; Aluminum Foils: thickness: .0005 to .025 inches in standard widths; Copper Foils: thickness: .0007 to .062 inches in standard widths 公司联系方式: Comet Metals Company 7200 Northfield Rd. Walton Hills, OH 44146 www.cometmetals.com Phone: 1-800-874-1748 Fax: 440-914-0426 联系人: John Evans, jdevansii@gmail.com 或者 Steve Wake, President swake@gltcos.com 1-800-874-1748 如有兴趣,请自行与该公司联系。