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详细说明: 爱医药公司Vitale-XD Ltd希望向中国医药企业出售股份,建立合资企业,共同开发爱沙尼亚、欧盟及独联体国家市场。 爱公司名称:Vitale-XD Ltd 电话:00372-6546922 传真:00372-6546921 vitale@infonet.ee www.vitale.ee 附:Vitale-XD Ltd公司情况 The manufacturing of effervescent tablets Our objectives The effervescent tablets manufacturing is a modern project, which has been started in Estonia for the first time. The manufacturing is designed from the cycle beginning and is based on Hoffmann-La Roche’s formulas and technology. Rooms and equipment available The project started off from manufacturing multivitamins in the beginning of 2001. The rooms were rented from a Technopol for the drug manufacturing purpose. These rooms were then reconstructed to suit the required manufacturing conditions for a pharmaceutical industry. For tableting we use the new FETTE 1200PC tabletpress, which has maximum operation speed of 130000 tablets/hour. Licenses and marketing authorizations for drugs We are licensed by the Estonian State Agency of Medicines (the activity license valid until October 01, 2013). The manufacturing has been authorized with the following national legislation: Medicinal Products Act, enforced on April 1, 1996, Art 6 section 1. The manufacturing has been inspected by the supervisory authority-State Agency of Medicines of Estonia and has GMP Certificate. During the project existing time about 0,7 million EUR has been invested into GMP implementation. The following products are being produced now: 1. Pexvital, Apovit (multivitamins), 2. Asprovit C (400 mg acetylsalicylic acid and 300 mg ascorbic acid containing drug), 3. Asprovit (500 mg acetylsalicylic acid containing drug) 4. Paracetamol DM (300 mg paracetamol and 7,5 mg dextromethorphan hydrobromide containing drug), 5. Panivit (500 mg paracetamol and 200 mg ascorbic acid), 6. Aspavit (330 mg acetylsalicylic acid and 200 mg ascorbic acid), 7. Vitamin C (50 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg) 8. 10 formulations of vitamins+minerals, UK sub-contracting 9. SportActive, vitamins+minerals, Sweden, USA 10. Bath tablets, Germany sub-contracting 11. Aspinat (500 mg acetylsalicylic acid), Aspinat C (400 mg acetylsalicylic acid and 240 mg ascorbic acid containing drug), Aspinat Alko (324 mg acetylsalicylic acid and 80 mg succinic acid), Aspinat Complex (500 mg acetylsalicylic acid, 15 mg phenylephrine, 5 mg pheniramine maleate), Russia sub-contracting., 1,5 mln pakendit 12. Antigrippin-ORVI (500 mg paracetamol, 100 mg ascorbic acid, 10 mg phenylephrine hydrochloride)-ValentaPharm, Russia, 1,5 mln pakendit, 2009.a. 13. ACC-acetylcysteine, 200 mg, 600 mg, ZAO Vertex, St.-Peterburg, 600 tuh.pakendit 14. BioMax, vitamins+minerals, ValentaPharm, Russia, 1 mln pakendit 2009. a. All of the above listed medicines have marketing authorisations in Estonia, Russia, Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Personnel The staff members have high qualifications, which is required for a pharmaceutical industry. The top managers are experienced to work in the domestic market and in the markets of other countries. The introductive, basic and ongoing training programs are required by the GMP, which are being run for each personnel member. The future products We are searching for a strategic business partner for the development of new products and new markets. Materials in use and suppliers All the raw materials, which are in use by us are pharmaceutical grade chemicals. The approved suppliers of the drug ingredients meet the GMP requirements and marketing authorisations. For example, the active substances for multivitamins are supplied as a ready premix by DSM Nutritional. Here are some names of other suppliers of active substances: Dolder AG and Plantaria AG, Switzerland, Rhodia, France, Algol Chemicals Finland, Suzhou Fine Chemicals CO, Shijiazhuang Pharma, Zhejiang Kangle Pharmaceutical CO, etc. Each ingredient batch is tested before releasing into production in our quality control laboratory. Additonal information This project is unique due to the fact that all drugs are not subjects of medicinal prescription and are used by a wide consumer groups. There is a lot of potential in our company and this potential can be seen in the development and production of new products. In order to get income from the production of new products, we are seeking for a strategic business partner, who will deal with the marketing and selling of these products. Best regards Raissa Shushuyeva Chairman of the Board
公司名称: Vitale-XD Ltd
电话: 00372-6546922
传真: 00372-6546921
E-Mail: vitale@infonet.ee
企业网址: www.vitale.ee
发布日期: 2011-04-16

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QQ鍙�: 1407106692 寰俊鍙�: 1407106692 鎵竴鎵姞瀹㈡湇寰俊锛岄鍙栨洿澶氬鎴疯祫鏂�
寰俊鍏彿: 閿︽棩澶栬锤鍚嶅綍闆� (鍏虫敞鍚庯紝澶╁ぉ鍏嶈垂鎺ㄦ渶鏂颁拱瀹惰祫鏂�)
鎺ㄨ崘鍥介檯涔板璧勬枡<<-------------(VIP浼氬憳绂忓埄)-------->> 涓婄櫨涓囧浗闄呬拱瀹惰祫鏂�(鍚勮鍚勪笟) 浼氬憳绂忓埄
鏈€鏂板浗闄呭浗闄呴噰璐晢鍚嶇墖锛掍竾寮犱笅杞�<<-------------(VIP浼氬憳绂忓埄)-------->> 涓婄櫨涓囧浗闄呬拱瀹惰祫鏂�(鍚勮鍚勪笟) 浼氬憳绂忓埄
閿︽棩澶栬锤鍚嶅綍闆嗗簵-----鍏跺畠鏇村鍥介檯涔板璧勬枡鍒楄〃 鑱旂郴QQ:1407106692  **
浜氶┈閫婂紑搴楀煿璁暀绋� 浜氶┈閫婂煿璁棰� 瀹樻柟楂樿川閲忕數鍟嗗煿璁� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�10G  **
浜氶┈閫婁拱瀹堕偖绠�,浜氶┈閫婁拱瀹惰瘎璁洪偖绠憋紝浜氶┈閫妑eviews閭 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�142涓囨潯鏁版嵁  **
澶栬锤閭鎼滅储杞欢---鎼滅储鍗冧竾涔板閭欢锛嶏紞鎼滅储鎸囧畾缃戠珯 鍙互鎼滅储鏃犻檺鏉℃暟鎹�  **
澶栬锤閭鎼滅储杞欢---鎼滅储鍗冧竾涔板閭欢锛嶏紞鎼滅储鎸囧畾缃戠珯+鎼滅储鍏抽敭璇� 鍙互鎼滅储鏃犻檺鏉℃暟鎹�  **
澶栬锤閭欢缇ゅ彂杞欢---涓€閿兢鍙戝崈涓囦拱瀹堕偖浠� 鍙互缇ゅ彂鏃犻檺灏侀偖浠� **
绾虹粐,甯冩枡,绾辩嚎,琛f湇,鍖栫氦涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�24涓囨潯鏁版嵁  **
绾虹粐鍘熸枡闈㈡枡涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�18涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鏈嶈涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�23涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
瀹剁敤绾虹粐鍝佷拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�3涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
绾虹粐鎶界罕涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�2涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鍦版鍙婃寕姣拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�1涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
闉嬪附涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 3涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
杞﹁締鍙婂伐绋嬫満姊颁拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�7涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
灏忓瀷杞﹁締鍙婇厤浠朵拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 2涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鍖栧伐鍙婄熆浜т拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�23涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
瀹剁敤鐢靛櫒涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�20涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
瀹跺叿涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�18涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鏈烘鍙婂伐涓氬埗鍝佸強璁惧涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�33涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鐜╁叿涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 7涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
宸ヨ壓鍝佸強绀煎搧涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�10涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鍗荡涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�0.8涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
瑁呴グ鍝佷拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 5涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鐝犲疂棣栭グ楠ㄥ埢鐜夐洉涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 4涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
閽熻〃鐪奸暅涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 2.5涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鍥壓涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 1.4涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鍖昏嵂淇濆仴鍝佸強鍖荤枟鍣ㄦ涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 7涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
绠卞寘鐨叿&鍖呰绫�&鎵嬫彁琚嬩拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 6涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
浜旈噾鍒跺搧涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 7涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
宸ュ叿涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�4涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鍦熺暅涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�6涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
闄剁摲涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�7涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
椋熷搧楗枡閰掔被绯栨灉瀹剁娴烽矞涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�16涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鍣ㄧ毧鍙婇鍘ㄧ敤鍝佷拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�5涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
寤烘潗琛屼笟涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�13涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鏃ョ敤鍝佷拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�5涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鍔炲叕鏂囧叿涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�11涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鐏叿鐏グ涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�5涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鐢靛瓙&璁$畻鏈哄強淇℃伅浜у搧涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�13涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
閫氳浜у搧涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�1涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鏈ㄦ潗&绔瑰埗鍝�&缂栧埗鍝佷拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�3涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
閾佺煶鍒跺搧涔板鏈€鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�1涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
浣撹偛鍙婃梾娓镐紤闂茬敤鍝佷拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�5涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
led鏄剧ず灞忎拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛�5涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
鍖栧鍝佷拱瀹舵渶鏂版敹褰曠殑涓栫晫涔板鍙婇噰璐晢鍚嶅綍,鍥介檯鍙傚睍鍟嗗悕褰� 淇℃伅鍖呭惈锛� 0.6涓囨潯鏁版嵁 **
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