we are searching for manufacturersCOUNTRY:CONTACT:
we are searching for manufacturers of wooden frames. We are looking for someone to mass produce a Trivet style frame for our product. It needs to be made of wood (a low end wood type is fine) and at a Inquiry Message:
we are searching for manufacturers of wooden frames. We are looking for someone to mass produce a Trivet style frame for our product. It needs to be made of wood (a low end wood type is fine) and at a low cost per item. Quantities are flexible TEL:FAX:MAIL:WEB: Contact Information:
Company Name :
Country/Region :
United States of America
Company Address :
P.O. Box 5359 Dallas, TX 75208-5359
ZIP/Postal code :
Contact Person :
Job Title :
Company Phone :
Company Fax :
Email :