Company Name: St Andrew's Book, Gift and Church Supply Country: Canada (加拿大) Buy Canada Buyers List of Canton Fair 加拿大买家数据 More Info: St Andrew's Book, Gift and Church Supply is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Canada and need to buy products of Clothing etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自加拿大,需要购买的产品类别包括:服装等。) Industry Category: Clothing (服装) Buy Clothing Buyers List of Canton Fair 服装行业买家数据 Procurement of Products: 登记簿,帐本,便笺本,订货本,接货本,信笺,记事笺日记本,银制首饰(无论是否镀有或包有其它贵重金属),其他仿首饰(不以贱金属为底),非针织或钩编其他纺织材料制其他女式服装 Contact Person: SIMON Telephone: 001 800 6637161 Fax Number: 001 604 7343144 Address: 275 E 8 Ave., Vancouver BC Postal Code: V5T 1R9 Email: Website: