Company Name: AMES TRUE TEMPER INC. Country / Area: United States (美国) Buy United States International Purchasers data 购买美国全套国外买家采购商名录数据 More Info: AMES TRUE TEMPER INC. is an international purchaser from United States, need to buy products of Tool, Iron Ore Products, Hardware, Small Vehicles and Spare Parts, Gardening etc. categories.(该公司是一家国际采购商,来自美国,需要购买的产品类别包括:工具、铁石制品、五金制品、小型车辆及配件、园艺等。) Category (采购产品类别): Tool (工具) Iron Ore Products (铁石制品) Hardware (五金制品) Small Vehicles and Spare Parts (小型车辆及配件) Gardening (园艺) Buy Tool industry purchasers data 购买工具全套国外买家采购商名录数据 Keyword: Address (联系地址): 465 RAILROAD AVENUE,CAMP HILL, PA 17001-8859,U.S.A. Contact: N.A. Telephone (联系电话): 001-717-730-2543 Fax Number: 001-717-730-2554 E-mail Box (电子邮箱): Website: