JATAG A.F. Tonnies Agenturer AB Company Name: JATAG A.F. Tonnies Agenturer AB Country: Sweden (瑞典) Buy Sweden Buyers List of Canton Fair 瑞典买家数据 More Info: JATAG A.F. Tonnies Agenturer AB is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Sweden and need to buy products of Large Machinery and Equipment, Hardware, Shoe etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自瑞典,需要购买的产品类别包括:大型机械及设备、五金、鞋类等。) Industry Category: Large Machinery and Equipment (大型机械及设备) Hardware (五金) Shoe (鞋类) Buy Large Machinery and Equipment Buyers List of Canton Fair 大型机械及设备行业买家数据 Procurement of Products: 大型机械及设备 五金 鞋部件,植物纤维纱线,植物纤维经纱,制衣用棉织物,家用亚麻制品用棉织物,大麻织物,黄麻织物,纸,帆布,粗帆布,涂层织物,油布,油绸,漆布,涂料纸,层压纸,涂料纸板,层压纸板,照相制版,色分离,照相制版,凸印版以及印刷版,塑料半成品,塑料板,塑料片,塑料薄膜,塑料带,合成橡胶,树脂,乳胶,前体物质,有色金属半成品,小型金属器具,五金器具,塑料加工机械,塑料加工设备,贴标签机械设备,标记机械设备,书籍装订机,折纸机 Contact Person: N.A. Telephone: 0046 19 32 01 07 Fax Number: 0046 19 32 01 14 Address: Hjalmarv 25, SE 70220, orebro Postal Code: N.A. Email: N.A. Website: N.A. |