Company Name: SOMAPACK SA Country: France (法国) Buy France Buyers List of Canton Fair法国买家数据 More Info: SOMAPACK SA is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from France and need to buy products of Office Equipment, Kitchen, Bathroom etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自法国,需要购买的产品类别包括:办公用品、餐厨用具、卫浴设备等。) Industry Category: Office Equipment (办公用品) Kitchen (餐厨用具) Bathroom (卫浴设备) Buy Office Equipment Buyers List of Canton Fair办公用品行业买家数据 Procurement of Products: 办公室,商店以及其它类似地方所使用的用瓦楞纸和纸弧制箱、盒,压敏胶纸(条或卷,不包括标签),整卷自行粘合塑料的盘,板,胶片,箔条,胶带等,其他牛皮纸及纸板,每平方米重量不超过150克,其他纸及纸板,每平方米重量在150克及以下,绕线筒,线板,行子和类似的纸浆架,纸和纸板(不另说明),整卷或整张的卫生纸,面巾纸,擦手纸或餐巾纸及类似的纸 餐厨用具 卫浴设备 Contact Person: M CARINI JEAN Telephone: 0033 1 30101000 Fax Number: 0033 1 30101010 Address: 30 RUE CARNOT, BP 33 ZONE INDUSTRIELLE DE ECRICROLLES, 95410, GROSLAY Postal Code: N.A. Email: E.MAIL_SOMAPACK@CLUB.INTERNET.FR Website: N.A.