Company Name: RAYOVAC CANADA INC Country: Canada (加拿大) Buy Canada Buyers List of Canton Fair 加拿大买家数据 More Info: RAYOVAC CANADA INC is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Canada and need to buy products of Chemical, Office Equipment, Lighting Products etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自加拿大,需要购买的产品类别包括:化工、办公用品、照明产品等。) Industry Category: Chemical (化工) Office Equipment (办公用品) Lighting Products (照明产品) Buy Chemical Buyers List of Canton Fair 化工行业买家数据 Procurement of Products: 化工 氧化银的原电池及原电池组,办公室,商店等地方用的用纸或纸板做的文件盒,信箱,贮藏盒及类似品,其他自供能源的手提式电灯 照明产品 Contact Person: Bob Falconi Telephone: 001 905 624 4448/800 2377000 Fax Number: 001 905 629 2571 Address: 5448 Timberlea Boulevard Mississauga ON Postal Code: L4W 2T7 Email: CUSTOMERS@RAYOVAC.COM Website: