Company Name: Print Consult Europe A/S Country: Denmark (丹麦) Buy Denmark Buyers List of Canton Fair 丹麦买家数据 More Info: Print Consult Europe A/S is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Denmark and need to buy products of Textile, Lighting Products etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自丹麦,需要购买的产品类别包括:纺织品、照明产品等。) Industry Category: Textile (纺织品) Lighting Products (照明产品) Buy Textile Buyers List of Canton Fair 纺织品行业买家数据 Procurement of Products: 其他制造纸浆制品、纸制品或纸板制品的机器及其零件〔包括各种切线机〕,纱线、织物及纺织制品的洗涤、清洁、绞拧、干燥、熨烫、挤压、漂白等机器及其零件,电灯丝、放电管或弧光灯的零件,印刷机(包括喷墨印刷机),印刷用辅助机器及其零件,其他印刷机〔编号为8471所列的数据处理设备除外〕,白炽灯泡、放电灯管;弧光灯及其零件,容器装封、贴标签机、容器包封机、饮料充气机等 照明产品 Contact Person: Jeanne Sjoeding Telephone: 0045 48 25 18 89 Fax Number: 0045 48 25 02 10 Address: Nordhoejvej 5, DK 3400, Hilleroed Postal Code: N.A. Email: Website: