Company Name: Ticomex BV Country: Netherlands (荷兰) Buy Netherlands Buyers List of Canton Fair 荷兰买家数据 More Info: WWW.TICOMEX.NL Ticomex BV is an international purchaser taking part the canton fair in China, it's from Netherlands and need to buy products of Medical, Clothing, Chemical, Bathroom, Watch Glasses etc. categories. (该公司是一家参加中国广东交易会的国际采购商,来自荷兰,需要购买的产品类别包括:医药保健品及医疗器械、服装、化工、卫浴设备、钟表眼镜等。) Industry Category: Medical (医药保健品及医疗器械) Clothing (服装) Chemical (化工) Bathroom (卫浴设备) Watch Glasses (钟表眼镜) Buy Medical Buyers List of Canton Fair 医药保健品及医疗器械行业买家数据 Procurement of Products: 非针织或非钩编运动服、滑雪服及游泳服,眼镜架及其零件,传统和戏剧服装,硫化橡胶(硬质橡胶除外)制卫生及医疗用品 非针织或非钩编运动服、滑雪服及游泳服,眼镜架及其零件,传统和戏剧服装,硫化橡胶(硬质橡胶除外)制卫生及医疗用品 化工 卫浴设备 钟表眼镜 Contact Person: F. Lindenkamp Telephone: 0031 165 541052 Fax Number: 0031 165 561492 Address: Belder 9 A, NL 4704 RK, Roosendaal Postal Code: N.A. Email: N.A. Website: WWW.TICOMEX.NL